Previous Years Sightings
Bird Reports 2008
A look back at the birding highlights on the Islands in 2008 (more…)
A look back at the birding highlights on the Islands in 2008 (more…)
A look back at the birding highlights on the Islands in 2007 (more…)
A look back at the birding highlights on the Islands in 2006 (more…)
A look back at the birding highlights on the Islands in 2005 (more…)
A look back at the Islands birding highlights of 2003 (more…)
A brief look at the highlights of birding on the Islands in 2002. (more…)
There is a birding trip planned around the Islands departing at 14.00hrs from St Mary’s Quay on board ‘Lightning’. Cost is just £5.
Todays birding highlights on the Islands include: Samson – *GYR* again over Samson this morning at 10.30hrs. St Mary’s – *CATTLE EGRET* flew over Old Town Church towards Peninnis Head at 15.20hrs. Eider and Common Scoter in Crow Sound again Read more…
Todays Birding highlights from the Islands include: Tresco – *CATTLE EGRET* (2) still in field by Pool Road behind Farm Machinery Barns this morning. Also Lapwing (8) and Golden Plover on playing field at Old Grimsby. St Mary’s – Common Scoter Read more…