Monday 19th March 2012 IoS Bird Reports
Between the Islands – Two Purple Sandpipers were on the Eastern Isles and the immature drake Eider was in the Crown Sound vicinity.
Latest bird sightings from the Islands
Between the Islands – Two Purple Sandpipers were on the Eastern Isles and the immature drake Eider was in the Crown Sound vicinity.
Tresco – A Sandwich Tern was seen from Pentle Bay whilst on the pools the male Shoveler was still on the Abbey Pool along with a Dark-bellied Brent Goose . A Pale-bellied Brent Goose was seen at distance nr St Martins and a Black Redstart was at Old Grimsby. The Read more…
St. Mary’s – The Northern Waterthrush showed well again around the back of Shooters’ Pool, in the same area as yesterday. Hopefully this newly discovered area for it will prove to its liking and it will continue to perform there. Elsewhere on the migration front 2 Sand Martins Read more…
St. Mary’s – The Northern Waterthrush was seen and photographed on some small pools by the pumping station between the back of Shooters’ Pool and “Black and White Wood”, nearby in Lower Moors a Firecrest, a Siberian Chiffchaff and a Marsh Harrier were seen. A Northern Wheatear was on the Read more…
St. Mary’s – The second-winter Iceland Gull was still at Porth Mellon, a Marsh Harrier was over Porth Hellick and 7 Golden Plovers were on the airfield. At sea – A local birder returning from the mainland by jet boat because of fog had an Arctic Skua 2.5 miles east Read more…
St. Mary’s – A second-winter Iceland Gull was at Porth Mellon and the first Black-tailed Godwit of the year was seen in Lower Moors Bryher – A Marsh Harrier and the first Wheatear of the year.
Saturday: St. Mary’s – On the bird front just a Dark-bellied Brent Goose at Bar Point, more exciting was a Large Tortoiseshell Butterfly was at Longstone briefly. Sunday: St. Mary’s – The second-winter Iceland Gull and a juvenile Glaucous Gull were on Town Beach. An afternoon boat trip around inter-island Read more…
St. Mary’s – Only 2 birds were reported, but quality is better than quantity! The Blue-winged Teal was still in Lower Moors, where the Northern Waterthrush put in its first appearance since February 26th. It has now been present for 25 weeks!
Sunday 26th February:
St. Mary’s – The Northern Waterthrush was seen again in Lower Moors, in bushes between the tin hut and the screen at shooters’ Pool, the Blue-winged Teal and the Short-eared Owl were also still at Lower Moors. (more…)
Saturday – nothing to report due to inclement weather
Sunday 19th
St. Mary’s -A Great Spotted Woodpecker was at Salakee, a Kingfisher was in Lower Moors and the first-winter drake Eider was at Porth Mellon.
Tresco – A Yellow-browed Warbler, a Firecrest, a Jack Snipe, a Scaup and 2 Long-tailed Ducks. (more…)