Friday 13th July 2012 IoS Bird Reports
St. Mary’s – A Cory’s Shearwater flew past Deep Point, 2 Siskins were at Innisidgen, 2 juvenile Cuckoos were on Porth Hellick Down and a Greenshank & Redshank were on Porth Hellick Pool.
Latest bird sightings from the Islands
St. Mary’s – A Cory’s Shearwater flew past Deep Point, 2 Siskins were at Innisidgen, 2 juvenile Cuckoos were on Porth Hellick Down and a Greenshank & Redshank were on Porth Hellick Pool.
After a wet and windy day the weather improved enough for an evening pelagic trip, on which, 3+ Wilson’s Storm-petrels, 40+ European Storm-petrels, 5+ Great Skuas and the first Cory’s Shearwater (the first of the year) were seen. Also on the trip a Blue Shark was caught tagged and released.
St. Mary’s – 2 Siskins were at Higher Moors, a Lesser Redpoll at Lower Moors and a Greenshank on Porth Hellick Pool. Tresco – 8 Greenshank and 6 Swifts.
St. Mary’s – 2 Cuckoos on Porth Hellick down and a Common Sandpiper below the harbour car park in Hugh Town. Gugh – A Common Sandpiper. Eastern Isles – A Purple Sandpiper
Tresco – A Black-tailed Godwit, 7 Greenshank, 3 Redshank, a Common Buzzard and a Marsh Harrier. At sea – A short-range evening pelagic trip produced a Great Shearwater, 50 European Storm-petrels, a second-summer Pomarine Skua, a Great Skua and an Arctic Tern. Also on the trip 2 Ocean Sunfish were Read more…
Tuesday: An adult Rose-coloured Starling was on St Martin’s and a Whimbrel and 2 Curlews were on St Agnes Wednesday: A Lesser Redpoll was at Maypole. Thursday: At sea – 250 Manx and 3 Balearic Shearwaters on the Scillonian crossing to St. Mary’s.
At sea – A short-range pelagic trip was the best so far this year, birds seen were : 2 Wilson’s Storm Petrels, 50+ European Storm-petrels, 6 Manx Shearwaters, a Great Shearwater, an adult Sabine’s Gull and a first-summer Pomarine Skua.
Friday’s birds: Just 2 Siskins on Bryher Saturday’s birds: A Lesser Redpoll at Higher Moors, a Raven at Porth Hellick and 3 Siskins at Innisidgen. Sunday’s birds: – A Grey Plover and 3 Whimbrel on Samson, a Whimbrel on Teän and 4 Greenshanks, 18 Turnstones and 2 Swifts on Tresco.
Tuesday – 3 drake Tufted ducks, 2 Swifts and a Lesser Redpoll on Tresco Wednesday – The only report of note was of a very young Cuckoo being fed by Rock Pipits on Porth Hellick Down, St Mary’s. Thursday – A singing Firecrest was in Lower Moors, St Mary’s and a Golden Read more…
Tresco – A Black-tailed Godwit and 3 Swifts. At sea – Another quiet pelagic trip produced just 6 European Storm-petrels and a Great Skua.