Tuesday 29th October 2013 IoS Bird Sightings

AMERICAN ROBIN – One was found and showed well at Borough Farm, Tresco.

WHITE’S THRUSH – Seen early morning and late afternoon, but only by those lucky enough to be staying in the Parsonage on St. Agnes.

White's Thrush, St. Agnes, 27.10.13, D.Boyle

SORA RAIL – It was seen again on the Great Pool, Tresco but only until 09:30.

Subalpine Warbler – 1 still at Longstone.

Pallas’s Warbler – Still 2 in the Parsonage Garden, St. Agnes.

Dusky Warbler – 1 on St. Agnes.


Sunday 27th October 2013 IoS Bird Sightings

WHITE’S THRUSH – Seen briefly in the Parsonage Garden, St. Agnes in the morning but showed well there on and off in the afternoon,

Subalpine Warbler – 1 still at Longstone.

Radde’s Warbler – 1still at Covean, St. Agnes.

Pallas’s Warbler – Still 2 in the Parsonage Garden, St. Agnes.

Rose-coloured Starling – 1 in the allotments near the dump.

Red-breasted Flycatcher – 1 Rosehill.

Red-breasted Flycatcher, St Mary's, 271013 (M.Halliday)

Spotted Crake – 1 still in Lower Moors

Spotted Crake, Lower Moors, 271013 (A.Hugo)

Yellow-browed Warbler – 6 on St. Mary’s.


Wednesday 23rd October 2013 IoS Bird Sightings

FEA’S PETREL – 1 seen by birders returning to the mainland on the Scillonian. It was seen 57 minutes out of St. Mary’s and hence was in Scillonian waters.

SORA RAIL – 1 still on the Great Pool, Tresco.

Short-toed Lark – 1 still on St. Agnes.

Rose-coloured Starling – 1around Buzza Hill and another still on St. Agnes.

Spotted Crake – 1 still in Lower Moors.

Red-backed Shrike – 1 on Bryher. (more…)