Saturday (17/06)
Rose-coloured Starling – An adult in a garden at Telegraph.
Red Kite – 1 at Deep Point.
Common Tern – 20+ Crebawthan.
Sunday (18/06)
Red Kite – 4 or 5 over St. Martin’s, these were the last reported sightings, so they may have all now moved out.
Turtle Dove – 1 heard near Normandy.
Hobby – 1 flew northeast over the Garrison.
Cetti’s Warbler – 2 possibly 3 in Lower Moors.
Monday (19/06)
Mediterranean Gull – 1 off the Steval on the Garrison.
Swift – 1 over Peninnis.
Tuesday (20/06)
Wilson’s Storm-petrel Gull – 1 on the evening fishing/pelagic trip 3 miles southwest of the Bishop Rock.
European Storm-petrel – 50+ on the evening fishing/pelagic trip 3 miles southwest of the Bishop Rock.
Great Shearwater – 1 on the evening fishing/pelagic trip 3 miles southwest of the Bishop Rock (photo).
Pomarine Skua – 2 first-summer birds on the evening fishing/pelagic trip 3 miles southwest of the Bishop Rock (photo)
Great Skua – 1 first-summer bird on the evening fishing/pelagic trip 3 miles southwest of the Bishop Rock.
Swift – 2 over the Great Pool, Tresco
Wednesday (21/06)
No reports.