We are all looking forward to welcoming birders back to the Isles of Scilly this year. We hope to see some familiar and some new faces out in the field.

The usual permissive trails will be open again. These are Tremelethen Farm Trail, Sunnyside Farm Trail and Peninnis Farm Trail. They will be signposted, please stick to the marked paths. It is planned to open them from 28th September, but the precise dates will depend on the farmers, livestock and clearing some of the trails. please keep an eye on the Scilly Birding WhatsApp and Facebook pages for updates.

The Bird Log will again be held in the Scillonian Club from Saturday 28th September to Friday 25th October, starting at 9pm.

There will be a ISBG table where you can purchase a 2023 Bird Review and become a member. The table will be manned three nights a week (Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays) but will not start until the Reviews arrive on Scilly. Due to unavoidable circumstances the report will be late this year, but should arrive in October. Again, watch the WhatsApp and Facebook pages for updates.