Records of species on the BBRC list that require a description should be sent to the Recorder, preferably by email to who will log these in the database and then forward them to BBRC. BBRC recording forms are available from the Recorder or at:
Records of species on the SRC list should be submitted to the Secretary of the ISBG Rarities Committee (SRC) – Liam Langley. Please open link below for the ISBG rarity form. Please fill it in, save it and then send to the Secretary, preferably by email to Please send photographs of your rarity separately and as JPEGs. Thank you.
Alternatively forms can be printed and sent by post to:
John Headon, Hivernia, Jackson’s Hill, St Mary’s, Isles of Scilly, TR21 0JZ
Secretary, SRC: Liam Langley, 11 College Hill, Penryn, Cornwall, TR11 8LG
Both the BBRC and SRC forms contain full instructions to help observers submit sufficient information to allow the Committees to come to a fully informed decision.
The full list of species requiring a description can be found via the ‘Species Requiring a Description’ tab on this website. Please note that species not recorded on Scilly which are not on the BBRC list and which may make their way here naturally are included and marked with an asterisk. Sedentary and non-migratory species that will almost certainly never be recorded on Scilly have been omitted, e.g. Capercaillie, Scottish Crossbill.
Please note that, from January 2019, there have been some changes to the SRC List:
Added: Lesser Yellowlegs and Arctic Redpoll (removed from the BBRC list)
Removed: Subalpine Warbler and Arctic Redpoll (species and sub-species in both cases), as these have been added to the BBRC list
John Headon – Recorder and Chair (non-voting), SRC
Liam Langley – Secretary (non-voting), SRC
SRC members: Ashley Fisher, Andrew Holden, James Lidster, Paul St Pierre and Will Wagstaff