Thursday (19/09)           

Great White Egret –  2 on Tresco

Ortolan Bunting – 1 on Periglis Beach, St. Agnes.

Bluethroat – 1 still in Lower Moors.

Osprey – 1 still around the islands.

Marsh Harrier – An immature male over Periglis, St. Agnes.

Pintail – A drake on Abbey Pool, Tresco.

Cory’s Shearwater – 350 on a morning pelagic trip 5km southwest of Bishop Rock and 170 on an afternoon/evening trip 20 km south if St, Mary’s.

Great Shearwater – 30 on the morning pelagic trip and 10 on the afternoon/evening trip.

Sooty Shearwater – 1 on the morning pelagic trip.

Balearic Shearwater – 1 on the morning pelagic trip.

European Storm-petrel – 8 on the morning pelagic trip and 12 on the afternoon/evening trip.

Great Skua – 2 on the morning pelagic trip and 2 on the afternoon/evening trip.

Mediterranean Gull  – 49 between Bryher and Tresco.

Jack Snipe – 1, the first of the autumn on Shooters’ Pool, Lower Moors.

Common Sandpiper  – 1 on Porthloo Beach.

Merlin – 1 on St. Martin’s, 2 on St. Agnes and 1 on Gugh.

Rook  – 1 on St. Agnes.

Lesser Whitethroat  –1 near the Seaward Hide at Porth Hellick Pool.

Spotted Flycatcher  – 1 in Holy Vale and 1 at Shooters’ Pool.

Pied Flycatcher – 1 in the Dump Clump, 1 at Newford Duck Pond and 1 at Shooters’ Pool.

Whinchat  – 1 on Gugh.

Common Redstart  – 1 on Porthloo Beach.

Yellow Wagtail  –2 at Porth Hellick House and 5 over Longstone.

Short-beaked Common Dolphin – 15 on the morning pelagic trip  and 250+ on the afternoon/evening trip.

Blue Shark – 1 on the morning pelagic trip.

Friday (20/09)                 

Great White Egret –  2 in Pilchard Pool, Porth Cressa and 4 on Bryher.

Ortolan Bunting – 1 on Periglis Beach, St. Agnes.

Common Rosefinch – 2 feeding in brambles on the southeast corner of the airfield and 1 in a field at seaward of the Carn Friars Farm track.

Red-breasted Flycatcher – 1 in Apple Tree Glade, Bryher.

Dotterel – 2 on Shipman Head down, Bryher.

Bluethroat – 2 still in Lower Moors.

Osprey – 1 still around the islands, with 2 0n Tresco late afternoon.

Cory’s Shearwater – 7 seen in Scilly waters from the Scillonian III on the return trip form St. Mary’s to Penzance.

Great Shearwater – 1 seen in Scilly waters from the Scillonian iii on the morning crossing from Penzance to St. Mary’s, 42 seen in Scilly waters from the Scillonian III on the return trip form St. Mary’s to Penzance and 15 on a daytime pelagic trip.

Sooty Shearwater – 2 seen in Scilly waters from the Scillonian III on the return trip form St. Mary’s to Penzance and 1  on a daytime pelagic trip.

Balearic Shearwater –  1 near Round Island.

European Storm-petrel – 2 on a daytime pelagic trip.

Sabine’s Gull – 1 seen in Scilly waters from the Scillonian iii on the morning crossing from Penzance to St. Mary’s.

Great Skua – 3  on a daytime pelagic trip and 2 past Deep Point.

Little Egret – 7 on Bryher.

Lapwing – 1 near St, Martin’s Campsite.

Whimbrel – 3 on St. Agnes.

Marsh Harrier – An immature flew over Annet.

Hobby – 1 Trenoweth.

Merlin – 1 hunting at Carn Friars  and 2 at Giant’s Castle.

Kingfisher – 1 on Lower Moors Pool and 1 on Newman Island, Porthloo.

Wryneck – 1 on South Hill, Bryher.

Firecrest – 1 in a Holly tree below Seven Stones pub, St. Martin’s.

Spotted Flycatcher – 1 Old Town Churchyard, 3 on Bryher.

Pied Flycatcher – 1 Newford Duck Pond and 1 in the Dump Clump.

Whinchat – 1 by the ISBG hide in Lower Moors, 2 near St, Martin’s Campsite and 2 on the hillside above Kitchen Porth, Bryher.

Tree Pipit – 1 flew over  Carn Friars and 1 at Telegraph and 1 near the church on Tresco.

Sort-beaked Common Dolphin –  100+ seen in Scilly waters from the Scillonian III on the return trip form St. Mary’s to Penzance.

Saturday (21/09)

Great White Egret – 1 at Lower Moord Pool,  1 in Porth Cressa and 1 on Burnt Island, St. Agnes.

Glossy Ibis – 1 flew north over Normandy.

Ortolan Bunting – 1 still on Periglis Beach, St. Agnes.

Common Rosefinch – 1 in the orchard on the Carn Friars, Farm Track.

Rose-coloured Starling  – A juvenile  in the Carn Friars/Porth Hellick Beach area.

Bluethroat – 1 still in Lower Moors.

Cory’s Shearwater – 30 on daytime pelagic trip from St. Mary’s to the Wolf Lighthouse and back.

Great Shearwater – 20 on the daytime pelagic trip.

Sooty Shearwater – 1 seen in Scilly waters from the Scillonian III on the crossing from Penzance to St. Mary’s.

Balearic Shearwater –  1 on the daytime pelagic trip.

European Storm-petrel – 3 on the daytime pelagic trip.

Sabine’s Gull – 2 juveniles on the daytime pelagic trip

Great Skua Shearwater – 2 seen in Scilly waters from the Scillonian III on the crossing from Penzance to St. Mary’s.

Arctic Skua –c on the daytime pelagic trip.

Wryneck – 1 above Fraggle Rock Café, Bryher.

irecrest – 1 at Longstone and  2 behind the sheds in Carreg Dhu Gardens.

Garden Warbler – 1 trapped and ringed at Porth Hellick.

Whincha5 –  1 in the Tremelethen chicken fields and 1on Porth Hellick Bank.

Spotted Flycatcher – 1 in Carreg Dhu Gardens, 1 near Parting Csrn Farm, 1 in the Standing Stones Field, 1 Old Town Churchyard and 4 fields by Popplestone Bay, Bryher.

Pied Flycatcher – 1 at the north end of Lower Moors, 1 still in the Dump Clump and 1 at Hillside Farm Bryher.

Yellow Wagtail – 1 at Longstone and 5 on Old Town Beach.

Crossbill – 1 flew over the end of Peninnis.

Sort-beaked Common Dolphin –  40 on the daytime pelagic trip.

Sunday (22/09)               

Great White Egret –1 in Porth Cressa, 1 in Old Town Bay, 1 on Porth Hellick Pool, 1 flew over Parting Carn, 1 in Appletree Bay, Tresco and 2 in Tresco Channel.

Ortolan Bunting – 1 still at Periglis, St. Agnes (photo).

Bluethroat – Both a first-year male and a female reported by Lower Moors Pool, but never seen together.

Common Rosefinch  – Sightings from the  airfield in gorse at the southeast end of the main runway,  briefly at Porth Wreck and Carn Friars, could involve 1 to 3 birds.

Osprey –  Still 2 around the islands.

Little Egret – 1 on Simpson’s field. Tresco.

Dotterel – 3 on Castle Down, Tresco.

Curlew Sandpiper – 1 by the sluice outlet on Porth Hellick Beach.

Lapwing – 1 on Simpson’s field. Tresco.

Bar-tailed Godwit – 3 near Teän.

Mediterranean Gull – 1 Great Par, Bryher.

Wigeon– 1 on Porth Hellick Pool.

Merlin – 1 over Porth Hellick Down, 1 over Hugh Town Quay and 1 over Bryher Pool.

Kingfisher – 1 on the lifeboat slipway on Town Beach and 1 Lower Moors.

Great Spotted Woodpecker – 1 at Longstone and later heard calling near Carn Friars.

Garden Warbler – 1 at Longstone.

Firecrest – 1 at Longstone, 2 in Carreg Dhu Gardens, 1 Rocky Hill and 2 in the Maypole/Borough Farm area,

Ring Ouzel – 1 above Perseil, St. Martin’s.

Spotted Flycatcher – 2 on the Garrison, 3 Holy Vale (photo), 1 Rocky Hill, 2 in Carreg Dhu Gardens and 1 in the Maypole/Borough Farm area,

Pied Flycatcher –1 still by Shooters’ Pool, Lower Moors and 1 in the Maypole/Borough Farm area,

Whinchat – 1 Bryher and 1 in the Maypole/Borough Farm area,

Common Redstart – 1 at Carn Friars, 1 in the horse paddocks along Sandy Lane and 1 in the Maypole/Borough Farm area.

Tree Pipit – 2 in the Maypole/Borough Farm area.

(c) Peter Garrity
(c) Mark Baker
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