Sunday (26/01)

No reports

Monday (27/01)

Kingfisher – 1 by Tregarthen’s Hotel.

Tuesday (28/01)

Pintail – A drake was on Porth Hellick Pool.

Wednesday (29/01)

Great White Egret  – 1 at Higher Moors.

Thursday (30/01)

Hen Harrier – A ringtail flew over Higher Moors.

Cattle Egret – 1 flew out of the cow field opposite Longstone Lodge.

Great White Egret  –  2 at Porth Hellick (photo).

Pintail – 1 still on Porth Hellick Pool {photo).

Woodcock – 1 by the Porth Hellick Loop Trail.

Great Spotted Woodpecker  – 1 calling at Rosehill.

Kingfisher – 1 by the sewage works, Lower Moors.

Cetti’s Warbler  – 2 by Porth Hellick Pool.

Firecrest  – 1 at Higher Moors.

Friday (31/01)

Black-throated Diver  – 1 off Skirt Island, Tresco.

Great Northern Diver – 4 off Watermill.

Great Spotted Woodpecker  – the female was in the garden of Longstone Cottage.

Firecrest – 1 at the southern end of Holy Vale.

Humpback Whale – 1 off Newman Point, Garrison.

Fin Whale – 1  first seen off Peninnis  continued round to Deep Point.

Saturday (01/02)

Black-throated Diver – 1 still off Skirt Island, Tresco,

Cattle Egret  – 2 in afield west of Longstone Cottage.

Little Egret  – 3 Porthloo, 2 Toll’s Porth and 1 at Bar Point.

Mediterranean Gull  – 5 adults at Bar Point.

Common Gull  – An adult at Porthloo.

Humpback Whale – 1 off the Steval, Garrison.

Fin Whale – 1  off Deep Point.

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