Sunday (12/01)

Richard’s Pipit – 1 in flight over the golf course appeared to land behind the house named Bishop’s View.

Black-necked Grebe – 2 of Anneka’s Quat, Bryher.

Whooper Swan –  2 flew over Hugh Town, past the Steval and onwards towards St. Agnes.

Great White Egret – 1 flew north from Porth Hellick.

Golden Plover – 1 on the airfield briefly and probably the same 1 at Pendrathen.

Bar-tailed Godwit – 15 at Pendrathen.

Whimbrel – 1 at Pendrathen. 

Merlin – A male was at Pelistry riding Stables.

Humpback Whale – 4 around the islands.

Monday (13/01)

Kingfisher – 1  Porth Hellick Bay.

Fieldfare – 1 over Longstone.

Humpback Whale – 2 off the Garrison.

Fin Whale – 1 off the Garrison.

Tuesday (14/01)

Cattle Egret –2 moving around the fields in the Longstone/Parting Carn area (photo).

Woodcock – 1 flew over Longstone Cottage.

Kingfisher – 1  Porth Mellon.

Grey Wagtail – 1 flew over Hugh Town.

Humpback Whale – Still 2 in the waters around the islands.

Fin Whale – There still appears to be 1 around.

Wednesday (15/01)

.Hen Harrier – 1 heading south over fields between Bristow and Trenoweth Farms Later flew over Bar Point towards Higher Town St. Martin’s.

Marsh Harrier – 1 over Teän.

Cattle Egret – 2 in a field opposite the entrance to Parting Carn Farm.

Great White Egret – 1 on Tresco.

Little Grebe – 1 on Tresco.

Great Northern Diver – 17 in the waters around Tresco.

Shoveler – 3 on Tresco.

Pintail– A mail on Tresco.

Pochard – 11 on Tresco.

Mediterranean Gull – 13+ on Tresco.

Woodcock – 1 over Parting Carn fields at dusk.

Merlin – 1 on Tresco.

Fieldfare – 1 on Tresco.

Humpback Whale – Still 2 in the waters around the islands.

Thursday (16/01)

Merlin – 1 Higher Moors.

Whimbrel – 2 at Innisidgen and 1 at Pelistry.

Siberian Chiffchaff – 1 in the garden of “Ocean Lee” at the start of the Peninnis Allotments.

Redwing – 3 in a field on King Edward’s Lane, Peninnis.

Black Redstart – 1 on Porth Cressa Beach.

Humpback Whale – Still 2 in the waters around the islands.

Friday (17/01)

Marsh Harrier – An adult male flew over Pelistry Beach and  headed towards Green Farm.

Great White Egret – 1 in Porth Hellick Bay.

Wigeon – 1 female flew past Deep Point towards Porth Hellick.

Woodcock – 1 in Holy Vale

Yellow=legged Gull – A near adult was in Porth Hellick Bay.

Humpback Whale – Still 2 in the waters around the islands.

Fin Whale –1 in the Roads,

Saturday (18/01)

Hen Harrier – The adult male flew over Longstone & was later seen at Deep Point and a  ringtail was seen over Content Farm.

Short-eared Owl – 1 in the heather above Great Bay, St. Martin’s.

Great White Egret – There were reports from 3 different locations on St. Mary’s, probably involving just 1 individual.

Wigeon – A female  was on Porth Hellick Pool.

Golden Plover – 3 were on the airfield.

Fieldfare – 1 was with Redwings in the Holy Vale/Sandy Lane area.

Siberian Chiffchaff – 1 was in a garden on Church Street, Hugh Town.

Humpback Whale – Still 2 in the waters around the islands. As well as Pi (ꙥ), there is a smaller individual which has been maned “Holan”.

Fin Whale – 1 was off the Steval on the Garrison.

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