Sunday (29/12)

Velvet Scoter – 1 still at New Grimsby, Tresco.

Common Scoter – 2 between the Garrison & Tresco/Samson.

Black-throated Diver  – 1 close offshore drifting south between Toll’s Hill and Little Ganick.

Great Northern Diver – 25 in the same area as the Black-throated Diver and 10+ between the Garrison & Tresco/Samson

Woodcock  – 1 at Carn Friars

Merlin – 1 at Carn Friars

Firecrest – 1 by the seaward gate at Porth Hellick.

Black Redstart – A male at Porthloo.

Humpback Whale – The whale known as pi (ꙥ) (photo) and another individual were off Daymark, St. Martin’s.

Monday (30/12)

Velvet Scoter – 1 still at New Grimsby, Tresco.

Barn Owl – 1 flew through the garden of Longstone Cottage at dusk.

Great White Egret  – 1 on the Tresco shoreline below the Dorien-Smith Memorial.

Bar-tailed Godwit  – 12 at Pendrathen.

Humpback Whale – The whale known as pi (ꙥ) was off Daymark, St. Martin’s.

Tuesday (31/12)

Cattle Egret – 1 with cows opposite Longstone Lodge. I

Pink-footed Goose – 8 still in fields at Pelistry.

Shoveler – The female was still on Shooters’ Pool.

Kingfisher – 1 at Porth Hellick and 1 at Porth Loo

Common Gull – 1 at Porthloo.

Black Redstart – 1 at Little Porth

Wednesday (01/01)

Great White Egret – 1 in Porth Hellick Bay.

Pink-footed Goose – 8 still in fields at Pelistry.

Mediterranean Gull  – 1 Little Porth,

Black Redstart – 1 Little Porth.

Humpback Whale – 1+ off St. Martin’s

Thursday (02/01)

Cattle Egret – 2 in a field west of Longstone Cottage.

Great white Egret – 1 in Old Town Bay.

Spoonbill – 2 on Samson.

Little Egret – 3 at Porthloo and 1 in Old Town Bay.

Shoveler – The female was still on Shooters’ Pool.

Great Northern Diver – 5 in r=the roads looking from the Garrison.

Black-throated Diver – 1 in r=the roads looking from the Garrison.

Common Gull – 1 Porthloo,

Woodcock – 1 Sunnyside  fields and 1 Holy Vale.

Hen Harrier – A ringtail in Lower Moors.

Merlin – 1 flew over Old Town Bay, 1 Porth Hellick Bay and 1 Porthloo

Kingfisher – 1 Old Town Bay.

Great Spotted Woodpecker – 1 calling on the Porth Hellick Loop Trail

Humpback Whale – 2, possibly 3 seen from various headlands on Scilly.

Cuvier’s Beaked Whale – A cetacean seen off  the Garrison was thought to be this species,

Friday (03/01)

Great white Egret – 1 still in Old Town Bay.

Velvet Scoter – 1 in Tresco Channel.

Common Scoter – 2 south of Samson.

Spoonbill – 2 on Samson.

Great Northern Diver – 13 in the Roads.

Common Gull – 2 at Little Porth.

Kingfisher – 1 in Old Town Bay and 1 on the Lifeboat slipway on Town Beach.

Great Spotted Woodpecker – 1 in Lower Moors.

Cetti’s Warbler – 2 calling in Lower Moors.

Humpback Whale – Still 2+ seen from various headlands on Scilly.

Saturday (04/01)

Great white Egret – 1 still in Old Town Bay.

Great Northern Diver  – 1 in Porth Mellon.

Whimbrel – 1 at Porthloo.

Common Gull – 1 Porthloo

Grey Wagtail – 1 flew over Little Porth.

Humpback Whale – Still 2+ seen from various headlands on Scilly.

(c) Derek Godfrey
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