Wednesday (16/10) 

Blyth’s Pipit – 1 still on Bryher.

Barn Owl – 1 has been sound recorded on the last 3 nights somewhere in the Holy Vale area.

Lesser Yellowlegs – 1 still on Simpson’s Field, Tresco.

Ortolan Bunting – 1  at Normandy corner, in a field  at the turn off for Deep Point.

Short-toed Lark – 1 still in a field on the west side of King Edward’s Road Peninnis.

Spotted Crake – 1 on Shooters’ Pool Lower Moors early morning and 1 by the boardwalk at the start of the Porth Hellick Loop Trail.

Hoopoe – 1 still  by  the ramp at South Beach, Tresco.

Red-breasted Flycatcher – 1 still on Rackett Town Lane, Tresco and 1 at Porth Minnick.

Hawfinch – 1 flew over the David Hunt Hide, Tresco.

Great White Egret – 1 in Old Town Bay and 1 Abbey Pool, Tresco.

Spoonbill – 1 still on Green Island near Samson.

Dotterel – 1 on Castle Down, Tresco.   1 on Castle Down, Tresco.

Golden Plover – 14 by the turning circle on the airfield.

Grey Plover – 1 at Lawrance’s Bay, St. Martin’s.

Jack Snipe – 1 on Castle Down, Tresco.

Bar-tailed Godwit  – 4 at Lawrance’s Bay, St. Martin’s.

Whimbrel – 2 Watermill Cove and 1 Toll’s Island.

Osprey – 1 Tresco

Merlin – 1 Peninnis

Barnacle Goose – 16 on Shipman Head Down, Bryher.

Pink-footed Goose  – 1 still in the grassy field at Normandy.

Whooper Swan – 13 Abbey Pool, Tresco.

Wigeon  – 2 Porth Hellick Pool.

Pochard – 3 on the Great Pool, Tresco.

Little Grebe – 2 on the Great Pool, Tresco.

Great Northern Diver – 1 off Watermill

Cory’s Shearwater – 20 seen in Scilly waters seen from the Scillonian III on the return trip from St. Mary’s to Penzance and 5 flew past Peninnis at 08:25.

Great Shearwater – 3 seen in Scilly waters seen from the Scillonian III on the return trip from St. Mary’s to Penzance.

Sooty Shearwater – 1 seen in Scilly waters seen from the Scillonian III on the return trip from St. Mary’s to Penzance.

Mediterranean Gull – 31 Porth Cressa

Kingfisher – 1 Porthloo, 2 Porth Hellick, 1 Old Town Bay

Great Spotted Woodpecker – 1 at Porth Hellick flew towards Holy Vale.

Wryneck – 1 on the west side of Peninnis and 1 above Porth Killier, St. Agnes.

Swift sp. – An unidentified Swift species flew over Peninnis/Lowr Moors area early evening.

Skylark – 3 flew over Higher Moors and 1 was on the airfield.

Yellow-browed Warbler –  On St. Mary’s:4 in bushes around Porth Hellick Pool, 2 Lower Moors, 1 in the Dump Clump, 1 Pilot’s Retreat, Hugh Town, 1 between Watermill & Newford Duck Pond and 1 Higher Moors,   Off-islands: 1 on Pool Road, Tresco, and1 by the Campsite, St. Martin’s.

Firecrest – 2 by the Salakee Farm vegetable stall, 2 Sunnyside Fa rm Trail, 2 Lower Moors and 1 behind Bennet’s Boatyard, Bryher.

Black Redstart – 3 Porth Mellon, 4 Porth Cressa, 1 on Borough Farmhouse, St. Mary’s, 1 Town Beach, 1 by Peninnis Lighthouse, 1 Porth Thomas, 1 airfield, 1 High Lanes. 2 Mount Flagon

Common Redstart  – 1 South Beach, Tresco.

Brambling – 1 in a field on. Telegraph Road by the turning to Longstone.

Reed Bunting – 1 on Castle Down, Tresco.

Thursday (17/10)

Blyth’s Pipit – 1 still on Bryher.

Lesser Yellowlegs – 1 in Popplestone Bay, Bryher (photo).

Short-toed Lark – 1 still in a field on the west side of King Edward’s Road Peninnis.

Spotted Crake – 1 by the boardwalk at the start of the Porth Hellick Loop Trail.

Hoopoe – 1 still  by  the ramp at South Beach, Tresco.

Red-breasted Flycatcher – 1 Old Town Churchyard.

Lapland Bunting – 1 flew over St. Martin’s and Castle Down, Tresco.

Great White Egret – 1 on St. Martin’s Flats and 2 on Abbey Pool.

Spoonbill – 1 still on Green Island near Samson.

Little Egret – 22 roosting on abbey Pool, Tresco, 4 on Lawrance  Flat, St. Martin’s and 2 on Porthloo.

Cory’s Shearwater – 250 on a mini-pelagic %km south and east of St. Mary’s and 8 southwest of Peninnis between 08:35 & 08:40.

Great Shearwater – 10 on a mini-pelagic %km south and east of St. Mary’s.

European Storm-petrel – 1 on a mini-pelagic %km south and east of St. Mary’s.

Great Skua – 1 on a mini-pelagic %km south and east of St. Mary’s.

Puffin – 1 on a mini-pelagic %km south and east of St. Mary’s.

Whooper Swan – 14 on Abbey Pool, Tresco  and 1 on Bryher Pool.

Barnacle Goose – 6 on Plumb Island, St. Martin’s, 10 on White Island and 3 on Shipman Head Down, Bryher.

Pink-footed Goose – 5 flew in over Watermill, across St. Mary’s and over the harbour. On  St, Martin’s, 1 flew over Little Arthur Farm towards Higher Town. The 5 were later seen  in a field above Watermill.

Pochard – 3  on Abbey Pool, Tresco  .

Great Northern Diver – 2 between Watermill and the Eastern Isles.

Little Grebe – 1  on Abbey Pool, Tresco.

Jack Snipe – 1 flew over Lower Moors towards the Project Pool.

Bar-tailed Godwit – 2 on Porthloo.

Whimbrel  – 1 Toll’s Island.

Osprey  – 1 on St. Martin’s and Tresco.

Marsh Harrier –  A cream-crown over Teän.

Merlin  – 1 Tinker’s Hill, St. Martin’s and 1 flew out to sea over the Garrison.

Great Spotted woodpecker  – 1  at Longstone flew  to Higher moors.

Kingfisher – 1 Shooter’s Pool

Wryneck – 1 on the west side of Peninnis and 1 near the quay on St. Agnes.

Skylark – 1 flew out of a grassy field south of Carn Vean.

Yellow-browed Warbler – On St, Mary’s:  3 in the Standing Stones Field. 3 Lower Moors, 2  Porth Hellick Loop, ! Newford Duck Pond , 1 Carn Friars Fruit Cage, 1  Watermill and 1 in Holy Vale, On Tresco: 2 on Pool Road. On St. Martin’s: 1 near the Seven Stones Inn.

Firecrest – 1 Holy Vale, 1 Abbey Crossroads, Tresco and  1 near the Seven Stones Inn.

Ring Ouzel – 1 Lower Moors

Spotted Flycatcher – 1 near the Seven Stones Inn.

Pied Flycatcher – 1 in Old Town Churchyard.

Black Redstart – 3 Porth Mellon, 3 around the  quay area, 5 Porth Cressa and 1 Heathy Hill, St. Martin’s

Grey Wagtail – 1 New Grimsby, Tresc0.

Friday (18/10)

Fea’s Petrel – 1 seen in Scilly waters from the Scillonian III on the return crossing from St. Mary’s to Penzance,

Lesser Yellowlegs – 1 on Stinking Porth, Bryher.

Spotted Crake – 1 in Lower Moors, flushed from the path between Rosehill and Shooters’ Pool.

Barn Owl – 1 was again Sound recorded in the early hours in the vicinity of Holy Vale

Hoopoe – 1 still at South Beach, Tresco

Hawfinch – 1 in Old Town Churchyard.

Snow Bunting – 1 at Innisidgen flew off towards Bar Point.

Great White Egret  – 1 in Appletree Bay, Tresco

Little Egret

Whooper Swan – 13 on Abbey Pool, Tresco.

Pink-footed Goose – 5 or 6around St. Mary’s.

Barnacle Goose – 17 on Shipman Head Down, Bryher.

Pochard – 5 drakes on Abbey Pool, Tresco.

Great Northern Diver – 3 off Innisidgen and 1 off Giant’s Castle.

Cory’s Shearwater – 79 past Horse Point, St. Agnes between  16:05 & 17:25,  23 past Peninnis between 16:15 & 17:15 and 1 close in off Newman’s Battery, Garrison.

Great Shearwater – 3 past Horse Point, St. Agnes between  16:05 & 17:25.

Sooty shearwater – 1 past Horse Point, St. Agnes between  16:05 & 17:25.

Common Gull – 1 roosting at Bar Point and 1 flew over Hugh Town.

Mediterranean Gull  – 15 roosting at Bar Point and 22 on Merrick Island, in Tresco Channel,

Whimbrel  – 1 roosting at Bar Point

Bar-tailed Godwit  – 3 on Porthloo.

Hobby – 1 flew over Town Beach.

Merlin – 1 over Pool Road, Tresco.

Osprey – 1 flew over New Grimsby, Tresco and 1 also seen at Rushy Bay, Bryher.

Marsh Harrier – 1 flew over the Seven Stones Inn, St. Martin’s. also seen between New Grimsby and Castle Down.

Kingfisher – 1 Shooters’ Pool.

Great Spotted Woodpecker – 1 calling in the Dump Clump Allotments and later it flew over Porth Hellick Pool.

Siberian Chiffchaff  – 1 on Porthloo Lane by the turning to Mount Flagon.

Yellow-browed Warbler – St. Mary’s: 2 on Porth Hellick Loop, 2 Shooters’ Pool. 2 in the Dump Clump and 1 Newford Duck Pond. On Trsco 1 by the tennis courts

Firecrest  – 2 still in the hedge by the Salakee Farm vegetable stall. On Trsco: 1 by the tennis courts and 1 on Poo; Road, between the hides.

Pied Flycatcher – 1 Old Town Churchyard.

Black Redstart – 1 Pelistry, 1 on Porth Mellon, 2 Porthloo, 1 Porth  Cressa, 1 Town Beach, 1 on Great Rock Beach, Tresco and 1 south of the Daymark, St. Martin’s.

Whinchat – 1 in a field just south of Telegraph/Pungies Lane corner.

(c) Scott Reid
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