Sunday (13/10)

Wilson’s Snipe – 1 showing well from the ISBG hide on Lower Moors Pool. On examination of photographs it transpired there may have been 2 birds today and a different individual last week.

Short-toed Lark  – 1 still in a field on the west side of King Edward’s Road Peninnis.

Hoopoe – 1 at the woodpile above Pentle Bay, Tresco. What was probably the same bird was later seen on St. Mary’s at Porth Minnick and Pelistry Lane.

Red-breasted Flycatcher  – 1 Racket Town Lane. Tresco.

Hawfinch –1 flew east over Pungies Lane. 1 flew over Trenoweth and 1 flew over the Dump Clump.

Great White Egret – Still 4 + around the islands

Spoonbill – 1 still on Green Island near Samson.

Little Egret – 2 on St. Martin’s,

Whooper Swan – 8  on Abbey Pool, Tresco, 1 Porth Killier, St. Agnes and 1 on Bryher Pool.

Barnacle Goose – At least 12 on Gweal, Bryher.

Pink-footed Goose – 1 still in the grassy field between Carn Vean & Normandy and 1 on St. Agnes Pool.

Cory’s Shearwater – “100s” passing island headlands all day.

Great Shearwater – 1 off Peninnis Head,  2 past Horse Point, St. Agnes and 1 past the Daymark, St. Martin’s.

Sooty Shearwater – 2 off Peninnis Head

Manx Shearwater – 1 off Peninnis Head

Great Skua – 1 off Peninnis Head.

Great Northern Diver – 2 off Innisidgen,

Dotterel – 1 Shipman Head Down Bryher,

Golden Plover –  1 flew over Peninnis

Jack Snipe – 1 on Lower Moors Pool  and  1 at the top of the Peninnis Farm trail

Lapwing – 1 Content Farm.

Bar-tailed Godwit – 3 Porthloo Beach

Whimbrel – 1 flew over Peninnis and 1 off Porth Hellick Down,

Osprey – 1 flew south past the Ruin Café, Tresco.

Merlin – 1 flew from the airfield towards Salakee Farm.

Common  Gull – 1 off Porth Hellick Down,

Kingfisher – 2 on the rocks at Porth Mellon.

Great Spotted Woodpecker  – 1 Longstone

Wryneck – 1 still on the west side of Peninnis.

Yellow-browed Warbler – 1 Lower Moors pumping station, 2 Shooters’ Pool, 1 Dump Clump, 2 Standing Stones Field, 1 at the bottom of the Peninnis Farm trail, 2 at Holy Vale end of Higher Moors, 2 Porth Hellick, 1 Newford Duck Pond, 1 Peacehaven, Watermill, 1 Content, 1 in Appletree Glade, Bryher and on St. Agnes, 1 in the Parsonage Garden & 1 in the Old Observatory Garden.

Siberian Chiffchaff – 2 Porth Hellick, 1 at Holy Vale end of Higher Moors  and 1 Content.

Northern Willow Warbler – 1 Porth Hellick.

Grasshopper Warbler – 1 flushed from the Garrison Walls on the west side and 1 was flushed from the path above Halangy Village, Bant’s Carn.

Firecrest – 1 in the Dead Pine Walk, Garrison, 1 Newford Duck Pond, 1 Watermill, 2 Sandy Lane, 1 Longstone, 1 in the Old Observatory Garden, St. Agnes and 3 on Pool Road, Tresco.

Ring Ouzel – 1 on Samson Hill, Bryher.

Black Redstart – 1 on the roof of Wheelhouse B&B. Porth Cressa, 1 Hugh Town, 1 by the airport carpark and 1 Shipman Head Down Bryher

Whinchat – 1 on Chapel Down, St. Martin’s 

Grey Wagtail – 2 over Lower Moors and 2 Porth Hellick.

Redpoll – 1 over Content Farm.

Siskin  –1 over Lower Moors.

Brambling – 2 flew east over Porth Hellick, 1 Racket Town Lane. Tresco and 2 on St. Martin’s

Reed Bunting – small numbers moving across the islands.

Monday (14/10)

BLYTH’S PIPIT– A bird in fields immediately behind Great Porth, Bryher, was first reported as a Tawny Pipit, was reassessed from photos and calls and was thought by most people to be a Blyth’s (photo)

Lesser Yellowlegs – 1 Simpson’s Field, Tresco and then moved to Bryher Pool.

Shot-toed Lark – 1 still in a field on the west side of King Edward’s Road Peninnis.

Hoopoe – 1 still on Tresco.

Hawfinch – 1 flew over Pilot’s Retreat, Hugh Town and probably the same bird flew over flew over the Dump Clump.

Red-breasted Flycatcher – 1 in the quarry at Carn Gwaval and 1 at Racket Town, Tresco.

Great White Egret – 2 on Tresco,

Spoonbill – 1 on /green Island near Samson.

Little Egret – 1 Porth Hellick Pool.

Whooper Swan – 8 on Abbey Pool and another 5 (2 adults & 3 juveniles) flew over St, Agnes and various locations on St. Mary’s before settling on Porth Hellick Pool. 1 Bryher Pool.

Barnacle Goose – 8 on Gweal, Bryher.

Pink-footed Goose – 1 in field by the track to Kittydown opposite Carn Vean.

Wigeon – 2 Porth Hellick Pool.

Great Northern Diver – 1  off Watermill and 1 west of St. Agnes Pool.

Cory’s Shearwater – 350 on a daytime pelagic trip to various offshore locations and 50 0n the sea off Porth Cressa.

Great Shearwater – 200 on a daytime pelagic trip to various offshore locations.

Sooty Shearwater – 6 on a daytime pelagic trip to various offshore locations.

Manx Shearwater – 6 on a daytime pelagic trip to various offshore locations.

Great Skua – 5 on a daytime pelagic trip to various offshore locations.

Yellow-legged Gull – 3 on a daytime pelagic trip to various offshore locations.

Puffin – 2 on a daytime pelagic trip to various offshore locations.

Osprey – 1 perched on Norwethel near Tresco.

Merlin – 1 flew over the airport 1 over Porth Hellick Bay, 1 over Peninnis , 1 Appletree Bay, Tresco and 1 on Samson.

Short-eared Owl – 1 Carn Near, Tresco.

Golden Plover – c 20 flew over the airfield heading towards the golf course.

Kingfisher – 1 Porth Hellick Bay and 1 in Old Town Bay.

Grear Spotted Woodpecker – 1 calling in southwest of Porth Hellick Bay.

Wryneck – 1 still on the west side of Peninnis.

Skylark – 6 flew over Pelistry/Carn Vean.

Garden Warbler  – 1 in the garden of St. Mary’s Hall Hotel and 1 at Higher Moors pumping Station,

Yellow-browed Warbler  – On St. Mary’s: 6 Porth Hellick south of the road including the Loop Trail, 4 in Lower Moors between the  Telegraph Road end & Shooters’ Pool,  2 by Higher Moors pumping station, 1  Newford Duck Pond, 1 Sandy Lane, 1 Tremelethen Trail,1 Watermill Cove, on Tresco: 2 on Pool Road, 2 in elms behind Rose Cottage , 1 in bushes at the east end of the Great Pool & 1 south of Abbey Gardens on Bryher: 1 at Veronica Farm and  on St. Martin’s :1 on Seven Stones.

Firecrest – 2 on Sandy Lane, 2 King Edward’s Road, 1 Porth Hellick Loop, Peninnis, 1 on Pool Road, Treso and 2 Seven Stones, St, Martin’s.

Ring Ouzel – 1 on Bryher.

Redwing – 7 Kittydown, 3 on Peninnis  and 1 Carn Friars.

Pied Flycatcher  – 1 in Old Town Churchyard and 1 at the Holy Vale end  of Sandy Lane.

Whinchat – 2 in the field below the airport.

Black Redstart –2 Porth Cressa, 1 Town Beach, 1 airport carpark, 1 Porth Mellon.

Common Redstart  1 South Beach, Tresco.

Brambling – 1 at Racket Town, Tresco.

Short-beaked Common Dolphin – 50 on a daytime pelagic trip to various offshore locations.

Tuesday (15/10) 

Blyth’s Pipit – 1 still on Bryher.

Lesser Yellowlegs – 1 still on Simpson’s Field, Tresco.

Short-toed Lark – 1 still in a field on the west side of King Edward’s Road Peninnis.

Spotted Crake – 1 on Lower Moors Pool early morning and 1 by the boardwalk at the start of the Porth Hellick Loop Trail.

Hoopoe – 1 still  by  the ramp at South Beach, Tresco.

Hawfinch – 1 flew over Rosehill and it or another flew oner Salakee Lane and Higher Moors.

Great White Egret – 2 on Tresco.

Spoonbill – 1 on Green Island near Samson.

Bar-tailed Godwit  – 2 Porthloo

 Hawfinch – 1 flew over Rosehill and it or another flew oner Salakee Lane.

Marsh Harrier – 1 Samson.

Osprey – 1+ around the islands.

Merlin – 1 over Shipman Head Down, Bryher.

Barnacle Goose – 12 on Shipman Head Down.

Pink-footed Goose  – 1` still in the grassy field at Normandy.

Whooper Swan – 13 on Abey Pool. And 1 on Bryher Pool.

Wigeon  – 2 Porth Hellick Pool.

Cory’s Shearwater – flew east past Old Town Bay.

Yellow-legged Gull – 1 Porth Killier, St. Agnes.

Kingfisher – 2 in Porth Hellick Bay and 1 Abbey Pool, Tresco,

Great Spotted Woodpecker – 1 flew over Tremelethen.

Yellow-browed Warbler –  on St. Mary’s: 8+ the length of Lower Moors, 1 north of the road & 1 south of the road at Higher Moors/Porth Hellick,2 between the hides at Porth Hellick., 1 at Carn Gwaval, ! holy Vale, 1 Newford Duck Pond, 1 opposite Nowhere, 1 Dump Clump.       On Tresco: 1 on Pool Road & 1 on Abbey Drive.

Common Whitethroat – 1 at Higher Moors.

Firecrest – 1 on Pool Road & 1 on Abbey Drive, Tresco.

Ring Ouzel – 1 on Bryher Campsite.

Black Redstart – 2 on Porth Mellon, 3 at the airport.3 Porthloo, 2 at Borough Farm on St. Mary’s

Common Redstart   – 1 Bryher Campsite.

Whinchat – 1 at the airport and 1 Rushy Bay, Bryher.

Grey Wagtail – 1 Newford Duck Pond

Brambling – 1 flew over Higher Moors.

(c) Rik Addison
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