Below are some original paintings and prints left by the late Wayne Collingham to be auctioned in aid of ISBG funds. If you would like to bid for any of them please contact Alan Hannington on

There will be an live auction(s) at the Scilly Bird Log in the second/third week of October.

1.    4 Scilly Pipits. Oct’04, Steph Thorpe.

2.    limited edition print of the back cover SBG 2000 Review, Ren Hathway (30 x42cm).
3.    limited edition print of the back cover SBG 2001 Review, Ren Hathway (30 x42cm).
4.    limited edition print of the back cover SBG 2002 Review, Ren Hathway (30 x42cm)
5.    limited edition print of the back cover SBG 2003 Review, Ren Hathway (30 x42cm)
6.    limited edition print of the back cover SBG 2004 Review, Ren Hathway (30 x42cm)
7.    Blue Rock Thrush, Porthloo, Oct’99, Steph Thorpe (framed).
8.    Framed Chris Smith print
9.    Cream-coloured Courser, St. Mary’s Oct”04, Steph Thorpe.
10.   Goldcrest, Willow Warbler & Pallas’s Warbler, Wells Wood, Oct’,92, Steve Cole (framed)
11.   Lesser Sand Plover, Rimac, May’02, Steph Thorpe.
12.   Little Swift, Netherfield, May’01, Steph Thorpe.
13.   Masked Shrike, Fife, Oct’04, Steph Thorpe.
14.   Redpoll, 2005, Adrian Smart print (20 x42cm)
15.   Framed Richard Pearce print
16.   Stilt Sandpiper, Pennington Marsh, Jul’01, Steph Thorpe.
17.   Swainson’s Thrush, St. Mary’s, Oct’2000, Steph Thorpe (framed)

 4 Scilly Pipits. Oct’04, Steph Thorpe.
limited edition print of the back cover SBG 2000 Review, Ren Hathway (30 x42cm).
limited edition print of the back cover SBG 2001 Review, Ren Hathway (30 x42cm).
limited edition print of the back cover SBG 2002 Review, Ren Hathway (30 x42cm)
limited edition print of the back cover SBG 2003 Review, Ren Hathway (30 x42cm)
limited edition print of the back cover SBG 2004 Review, Ren Hathway (30 x42cm)
Blue Rock Thrush, Porthloo, Oct’99, Steph Thorpe (framed).
Framed Chris Smith print
Cream-coloured Courser, St. Mary’s Oct”04, Steph Thorpe
Goldcrest, Willow Warbler & Pallas’s Warbler,Wells Wood, Oct’,92, Steve Cole (framed)
Lesser Sand Plover, Rimac, May’02, Steph Thorpe.
 Little Swift, Netherfield, May’01, Steph Thorpe.
Masked Shrike, Fife, Oct’04, Steph Thorpe.
Redpoll, 2005, Adrian Smart print (20 x42cm)
Framed Richard Pearce print
Stilt Sandpiper, Pennington Marsh, Jul’01, Steph Thorpe.
 Swainson’s Thrush, St. Mary’s, Oct’2000, Steph Thorpe (framed)
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