Sunday (15/09)               

Common Rosefinch – A juvenile was briefly in the willow by the entrance gate to Lower Moors at the Trench Lane end.

Bluethroat –  2 still in Lower Moors.

Red-backed Shrike – 1 still near the turning circle on the airfield.

Osprey –1 still around St. Mary’s.

Merlin – 1 over the Garrison

Wryneck – 1 still around Buzza Quarry, 1 in fields opposite Bishop View and 1 at McFarland’s Down.

Cory’s Shearwater – 7+ north of Tresco.

Little Tern – 2 feeding close inshore at Pentle Bay, Tresco, this is a rare bird on Scilly.

Arctic Tern – 1 on Green Island.

Bar-tailed Godwit – 5 on Teän.

Whimbrel – 2 on Teän.

Whinchat – 2 on King Edward Road, Peninnis, 2 in fields opposite Bishop View and 7 at McFarland’s Down.

Common Restart – 1 in the Trewince/Bishop View area.

Pied Flycatcher – 1 in the Trewince/Bishop View area and 2 by Newford Duck Pomd.

Spotted Flycatcher – 1 at McFarland’s Down. and2 near Tresco Abbey.

Tree Pipit – 1 in the Trewince/Bishop View area.

Yellow-Wagtail – 3 in the Trewince/Bishop View area and 2 flew over Porth Mellon.

Monday (16/09)

Paddyfield Warbler – 1 caught and ringed at Porth Hellick Ringing Station (photo). This is only the 10th record for Scilly.

Common Rosefinch – 1 near the bench at the west end of Porth Hellick Beak,

Bluethroat –  2 still in Lower Moors.

Red-backed Shrike – 1 still near the turning circle on the airfield.

Red-breasted Flycatcher – 1 still in the pines above Middle Town, St. Martin’s.

Wryneck – 1 still in Buzza Quarry and 1 on Back Lane, Tresco.

Leach’s Storm-petrel – 1 seen in Scilly Waters on the crossing from Penzance to St. Mary’s. This is a very scarce bird in Scilly waters.

European Storm-petrel – 1 seen in Scilly Waters from the motor yacht Challenger on the return from Scilly to Falmouth.

Great Shearwater –  12 seen in Scilly Waters from the motor yacht Challenger on the return from Scilly to Falmouth and 19 from the Scillonian III on the return trip from St. Mary’s to Penzance.

Cory’s Shearwater – 3 seen in Scilly Waters from the motor yacht Challenger on the return from Scilly to Falmouth and 4 from the Scillonian III on the return trip from St. Mary’s to Penzance,

Grey Phalarope – 1 seen in Scilly Waters from the motor yacht Challenger on the return from Scilly to Falmouth.

Bar-tailed Godwit – 8 on St. Agnes.

Whimbrel – 1 on St. Agnes.

Merlin – 1 flew over Lower Moors and 1 over Periglis, St. Ages.

Kingfisher – 1 flew over Buzza Quarry, 1 was on St. Agnes and 1 was on Bryher

Garden Warbler – 1 in the Standing Stines Field, Lower Moors.

Whinchat – 2 opposite John Bordeaux Pottery, Old Town Lane, 1 on King Edward’s Road, Peninnis and 1 n St. Agnes cricket pitch.

Spotted Flycatcher – 6 on St. Mary’s.

Yellow Wagtail – 3 (including a Blue-headed type) on St. Agnes.

Short-beaked Common Dolphin – c50 seen in Scilly Waters from the motor yacht Challenger on the return from Scilly to Falmouth.

Ocean sunfish – 1 seen in Scilly Waters from the motor yacht Challenger on the return from Scilly to Falmouth.

Tuesday (17/09)

Buff-breasted Sandpiper – 2 were found early ev3ening on the Golf Course,

Great White Egret – 3 landed on the west side of Tresco.

Bluethroat – 1 still by Lower Moors Pool.

Red-backed Shrike –1 still in gorse east of the airfield.

Wryneck –1 still at Porth Wreck.

Osprey – 1 over the Great Pool, Tresco.

Wigeon– 1 on  Tresco.

Pintail– 1 on  Tresco.

Pochard – 1 on  Tresco.

Cory’s Shearwater– 30 on the evening  Pelagic trip 5 km  southwest of bishop Rock. Ans1 off Giant’s Castle.

Great Shearwater– 20 on the evening  Pelagic trip 5 km  southwest of bishop Rock.

Sooty shearwater– 1 on the evening  Pelagic trip 5 km  southwest of bishop Rock.

European Storm-petrel–10 on the evening  Pelagic trip 5 km  southwest of bishop Rock.

Great Skua– 4 on the evening  Pelagic trip 5 km  southwest of bishop Rock.

Pomarine Skua–2 on the evening  Pelagic trip 5 km  southwest of bishop Rock.

Arctic Skua–1 on the evening  Pelagic trip 5 km  southwest of bishop Rock.

Common Sandpiper – 2 at Beady Pool, St. Agnes, 1 on Porth Hellick Pool.

Whimbrel – 2 at Beady Pool, St. Agnes.

Little Egret – 1 landed on the west side of Tresco.

Merlin – 1 over the Great Pool, Tresco.

Whinchat – 6 in the Giant’s Castle/ Salakee Down, area, 2 Shipman Head Down, Bryher and 2 on Gugh.

Spotted Flycatcher– 1 on  Salakee Down and 1 on Tresco.

Pied Flycatcher – 2 Holy Vale and 1 Shooters’ Pool, Lower Moos.

Yellow Wagtail – 1 on Porth Cressa Beach,  1 over Parting Carn, 1 on Tresco and 1 at Beady Pool, St. Agnes.

Grey Wagtail– 1 on Tresco.

Blue Shark –1 caught, tagged and released on the evening Pelagic trip 5 km  southwest of bishop Rock.


Wednesday (18/09)

Buff-breasted Sandpiper – 2 spent the morning on the golf course before they were flushed  by a Merlin. They then flew towards the Airfield but returned to the gold course in the evening.

Great White Egret – 1  flew towards Carn Morval from Pendrathen and 4 were feeding  in Toll’s Porth below the golf course (photo). A total of 5 is an unprecedented number of what is a very scarce bird on Scilly, with less then20 previous records.

They were then seen flying along Tresco Channel and 3 were seen on the beach on Samson.

Common Rosefinch – 1 feeding on blackberries in Holy Vale.

Cory’s Shearwater – 2 seen in Scilly waters from the Scillonian III on the morning crossing from  Penzance to St. Mary’s.

Great – 80 seen in Scilly waters from the Scillonian III on the morning crossing from  Penzance to St. Mary’s.

Sooty – 1 seen in Scilly waters from the Scillonian III on the morning crossing from  Penzance to St. Mary’s.

Balearic – 2 seen in Scilly waters from the Scillonian III on the morning crossing from  Penzance to St. Mary’s.

Manx – 15 seen in Scilly waters from the Scillonian III on the morning crossing from  Penzance to St. Mary’s.

Arctic Skua –A dark phase bird flew between St. Agnes and Gugh.

Common Sandpiper – 2 at Toll’s Porth and 1 at Innisidgen.

Bar-tailed Godwit – 8 on Bryher.

Hen Harrier –  a ringtail that flew over Toll’s Port6h and the golf course was thought probably to be this species.

Hobby – 1 over Holy Vale.

Merlin – 1 flew over the golf course.

Osprey – 1 flew east over Bryher.

Firecrest – 1 in the pines at Jac-a-ba and 2 in Lower Moors.

Spotted Flycatcher – 1 Content Lane, 1 Newford Duckpond and 3 on Bryher.

Pied Flycatcher – 1 Newford Duckpond.

Common Restart – A female Was at Porthloo.

Whinchat – 1 opposite Bordeaux Pottery, Old Town Lane, 2 on Halangy Down and 2 on Bryher.

Yellow Wagtail – 2 flew over Higher Newford and 1 flew over Longstone.

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