Sunday (08/09)               

Bluethroat – 1 still in Lower Moors.

Osprey – 1 still around St. Mary’s and then flew towards Tresco.

Cory’s Shearwater – 4 seen in Scilly waters from the Scillonian III on the morning  trip from St Penzance to St. Mary’s.

Great Shearwater – 50 seen in Scilly waters from the Scillonian III on the morning  trip from St Penzance to St. Mary’s.

Sooty Shearwater – 3 seen in Scilly waters from the Scillonian III on the morning  trip from St Penzance to St. Mary’s.

Spotted Redshank – 1 still at the east end of the Great Pool, Tresco.

Little Stint – 1 at Periglis, St. Agnes.

Common Sandpiper – 3 on Porth Hellick Pool.

Kingfisher – 1 Shooters’ Pool, Lower Moors.

Common Swift -1 over Middle Down Tresco.

Wryneck – 2 still at Porth Wreck, 1 in gorse between Giant’s Castle and the airfield and 1 on the coastal path between the back of Nowhere and Old Town Road.

Cetti’s Warbler -1 singing by the pool in the Standing Stones Field.

Lesser Whitethroat – 1 in a roadside field opposite Sunnyside Farm.

Common Whitethroat -1 still in the Standing Stones Field and 1 Green Farm.

Ring Ouzel – A male at Salakee,

Pied Flycatcher  6 on St. Mary’s

Spotted Flycatcher – 3 on St. Mary’s.

Whinchat – 1 at Pelistry.

Crossbill – 8 in Carreg Dhu Gardens.

Monday (09/09)             

Bluethroat – It transpired that there were 2 birds on the edge of Lower Moors Pool.

.Osprey – 1 still around St. Mary’s.

Wilson’s Storm-petrel – 3 on an evening pelagic trip 6 miles  southeast of St. Mary’s.

European Storm-petrel – 50 on an evening pelagic trip 6 miles  southeast of St. Mary’s.

Great Shearwater –  92 on a seawatch from the Daymark, St. Martin’s 40 on an evening pelagic trip 6 miles  southeast of St. Mary’s. and 45 seen from a yacht 10 km northeast of Scilly.

Cory’s Shearwater – 531 on a seawatch from the Daymark, St. Martin’s, 120 on an evening pelagic trip 6 miles  southeast of St. Mary’s and 1 seen from a yacht 10 km northeast of Scilly

Balearic Shearwater – 1 on a seawatch from the Daymark, St. Martin’s and1 seen from a yacht 10 km northeast of Scilly.

Sooty Shearwater – 17 on a seawatch from the Daymark, St. Martin’s 1 on an evening pelagic trip 6 miles southeast of St. Mary’s.

Arctic skua – 1 on an evening pelagic trip 6 miles southeast of St. Mary’s and 7 on a seawatch from the Daymark, St. Martin’s.

Pomarine Skua – 1 on an evening pelagic trip 6 miles  southeast of St. Mary’s and 1 on a seawatch from the Daymark, St. Martin’s.

Great Skua – 1 on an evening pelagic trip 6 miles southeast of St. Mary’s and 3 on a seawatch from the Daymark, St. Martin’s.

Sabine’s Gull – 1  on a seawatch from the Daymark, St. Martin’s.

Common Gull – 1 on an evening pelagic trip 6 miles southeast of St. Mary’s.

Spotted Redshank – 1 still on Simpson’s Field Tresco.

Little Stint – 2 at Periglis, St. Agnes.

Curlew Sandpiper  1 at Periglis, St. Agnes.

Bar-tailed Godwit – 11 on St. Agnes and 1 on Porthloo..

Common Sandpiper – 1 Porth Hellick Pool (photo) and 1 on St. Agnes.

Kingfisher – 1 Carn Leh, Old Town Bay.

Wryneck – 1 still at Porth Wreck.

Spotted Flycatcher – 2 on St. Agnes.

Pied Flycatcher – 1 Holy Vale (photo).

Whinchat –2 in a field  by Water meadow Barn, Old Town, 1 on St. Agnes and 2 on Gugh.

White Wagtail – 4 on St. Agnes.

Short-beaked Common Dolphin – 20 on an evening pelagic trip 6 miles  southeast of St. Mary’s.

Atlantic Bluefin Tuna – 20 on an evening pelagic trip 6 miles  southeast of St. Mary’s.

Tuesday (10/09)

Bluethroat – Still 2 showing on and off at Lower moors Pool (photo).

Red-backed Shrike  – A first-winter was in scrub just east of the airfield turning circle.

Wryneck – 1 between Giant’s Castle and the airfield and 1 still at Porth Wreck. 

Osprey – 1 over Tresco Channel.

Little Grebe – 2 on the Great Pool, Tresco.

Whinchat – 1 in a field opposite Parting Carn Farm 

Spotted Flycatcher – 1 in a field opposite Parting Carn Farm.

Wednesday (11/09)

Bluethroat – Still 2 showing on and off at Lower moors Pool.

Red-backed Shrike  – A first-winter was in scrub just east of the airfield turning circle.

Wryneck – 1 in the Standing Stones Field and 1 still at Porth Wreck.

Osprey – 1 over Bryher and Samson.

Cory’s Shearwater – 25 northeast of St. Martin’s.

Little Grebe – 2 on the Great Pool, Tresco.

Leach’s Petrel – 1 briefly joined the Cory’s off St. Martin’s.

Raven – 1 flew over the Karma Hotel, St. Martin’s.

Whinchat –  6 on Tresco.

Spotted Flycatcher  – 2 in the pines above Middle town, St. Martin’s.

Pied Flycatcher  – 1 2in the pines above Middle town, St. Martin’s, 1 Bryher Gallery

Thursday (12/09)

FEA’S/DESARTAS PETREL – 1 seen on an evening Pelagic 3.5 miles northeast of Dt. Martin’s Head (photo).

Wilson’s Storm-petrel – 1  on the evening Pelagic 3.5 miles northeast of Dt. Martin’s Head.

European Storm-petrel – 30  on the evening Pelagic 3.5 miles northeast of Dt. Martin’s Head.

Sooty Shearwater – 1  on the evening Pelagic 3.5 miles northeast of Dt. Martin’s Head.

Sabine’s Gull – 1  on the evening Pelagic 3.5 miles northeast of Dt. Martin’s Head.

Bluethroat – Still 2 showing on and off at Lower moors Pool.

Wryneck –1 on the path by the Garrison Campsite.

Osprey – 1 again over Bryher and Samson.

Curlew Sandpiper – 1 on Periglis Beach, St. Agnes.

Bar-tailed Godwit – 15 on Periglis Beach, St. Agnes.

Blue Shark – 2 caught, tagged and released on the evening Pelagic 3.5 miles northeast of Dt. Martin’s Head.

Friday (13/09)

Red-breasted Flycatcher  – 1 in the pines at Middle Town, St. Martin’s.

Bluethroat – Still 2 showing on and off at Lower moors Pool.

Wryneck – 1 in Browarth Fields and 1 by the Nag’s Head, both St. Agnes and 1 still at Porth Wreck.

Osprey  – 1 still around the islands.

Merlin  – 1 at Porth Wreck.

Little Grebe – 1 on Porth Hellick Pool.

Spotted Flycatcher  – 4 in the pines at Middle Town, St. Martin’s.

Pied Flycatcher  – 1 in the pines at Middle Town, St. Martin’s.

Crossbill – 3 flew over St. Marti’s heading  straight to St. Mary’s.

Saturday (14/09)

Red-breasted Flycatcher  – 1 in the Parsonage garden, St. Agnes,

Bluethroat – Still 2 showing on and off at Lower moors Pool.

Wryneck –1 in the coastal scrub at Halangy Down and 1 in Buzza Quarry (photo).

Osprey – 1 flew over Old Town.

Merlin – 1 Halangy Porth.

Pied Flycatcher – 1 Rosehill

Yellow Wagtail – 1 flew west over Maypole

(c) Mark Baker
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