Monday 05/08) 

Spotted Sandpiper – An adult with was found in the afternoon in front of the Stephen Sussex hide at Porth Hellick (photo).

Wilson’s Storm-petrel – 7 on an evening pelagic 8 km northeast of St. Martin’s and 5 in Scilly waters from the Scillonian III on the return crossing from St. Mary’s to Penzance.

European Storm-petrel – 80 on an evening pelagic 8 km northeast of St. Martin’s and 11 in Scilly waters from the Scillonian III on the return crossing from St. Mary’s to Penzance.

Cory’s Shearwater – 24 on an evening pelagic 8 km northeast of St. Martin’s and c80 in Scilly waters from the Scillonian III on the return crossing from St. Mary’s to Penzance.

Great Shearwater – 12 on an evening pelagic 8 km northeast of St. Martin’s and 2 in Scilly waters from the Scillonian III on the return crossing from St. Mary’s to Penzance.

Sooty Shearwater – 2 on an evening pelagic 8 km northeast of St. Martin’s and 2 in Scilly waters from the Scillonian III on the return crossing from St. Mary’s to Penzance.

Manx Shearwater – 50 on an evening pelagic 8 km northeast of St. Martin’s and “1000s” in Scilly waters from the Scillonian III on the return crossing from St. Mary’s to Penzance.

Arctic Tern – 3 on an evening pelagic 8 km northeast of St. Martin’s and 3 in Scilly waters from the Scillonian III on the return crossing from St. Mary’s to Penzance.

Fin Whale – 2 in Scilly waters from the Scillonian III on the return crossing from St. Mary’s to Penzance.

Short-beaked Common Dolphin – c25 in Scilly waters from the Scillonian III on the return crossing from St. Mary’s to Penzance.

Tuesday (06/08)

Spotted Sandpiper  – The adult was still at Porth Hellick commuting between the pool and the beach.

Wilson’s Storm-petrel –15 on an evening pelagic 10km southeast of St. Mary’s, and 2 in Scillonian waters from the Scillonian III on the return crossing from St. Mary’s to Penzance

European Storm-petrel – 40 on an evening pelagic 10km southeast of St. Mary’s,  1 in Scilly waters from the Scillonian III on the morning crossing from Penzance to St. Mary’s and 3 on the return crossing

Cory’s Shearwater – 20 on an evening pelagic 10km southeast of St. Mary’s,  4 in Scilly waters from the Scillonian III on the morning crossing from Penzance to St. Mary’s and 2 on the  return crossing.

Great Shearwater –  14 on an evening pelagic 10km southeast of St. Mary’s, and 1 in Scilly waters from the Scillonian III on the morning crossing from Penzance to St. Mary’s.

Sooty Shearwater – 2 on an evening pelagic 10km southeast of St. Mary’s.

Manx Shearwater – 50 on an evening pelagic 10km southeast of St. Mary’s.

Great Skua – 1 on an evening pelagic 10km southeast of St. Mary’s.

Yellow-legged Gull – A juvenile on an evening pelagic 10km southeast of St. Mary’s.

Arctic Tern – 45 on an evening pelagic 10km southeast of St. Mary’s and 14 in Scilly waters from the Scillonian III on the return crossing from St. Mary’s to Penzance,

Short-beaked Common Dolphin – 20 on an evening pelagic 10km southeast of St. Mary’s.

Wednesday (07/08)

CLIFF SWALLOW – 1 found at Porth Hellick (photo) was the earliest British Record by 20 days! Scilly now has 8 of the 16 British records, i.e. 50%.

Spotted Sandpiper – The adult was still at Porth Hellick.

Kingfisher – 2 at Porth Hellick.

White Wagtail – An adult and a fledgling along Airport Lane.

Thursday (08/08)

Cliff Swallow – 1 still at Porth Hellick.

Spotted Sandpiper– 1 still at Porth Hellick.

Wilson’s Storm-petrel – 14 on an evening pelagic 10 km southeast of St. Mary’s.

European Storm-petrel – 140 on an evening pelagic 10 km southeast of St. Mary’s.

Cory’s Shearwater – 120 on an evening pelagic 10 km southeast of St. Mary’s and 9 west past Peninnis Head on an 80 minute seawatch

Great Shearwater – 45 on an evening pelagic 10 km southeast of St. Mary’s.

Sooty Shearwater – 2 on an evening pelagic 10 km southeast of St. Mary’s.

Manx Shearwater –150 on an evening pelagic 10 km southeast of St. Mary’s and 115 west past Peninnis Head on an 80 minute seawatch.

Great Skua – 1 on an evening pelagic 10 km southeast of St. Mary’s.

Sandwich Tern  – 75 in Porth Cressa.

Friday (09/08)

Cliff Swallow – 1 around Porth Hellick/ Higher Moors (photo).

Spotted Sandpiper– 1 still at Porth Hellick.

White Stork – 1  seen distantly (probably offshore drifting over Porth Hellick towards the airfield. This was the first record since May 2017.

Wilson’s Storm-petrel – 2 on an evening pelagic 10 km southeast of St. Mary’s.

European Storm-petrel – 60 on an evening pelagic and 10 seen in Scilly waters from the Scillonian III on the morning crossing from P3enzance to St. Mary’s.

Cory’s Shearwater – 40 on an evening pelagic (photo) and 10 seen from the Scillonian III on the morning crossing from P3enzance to St. Mary’s.

Great Shearwater –  5 on an evening pelagic 10 km southeast of St. Mary’s. and 10 seen from the Scillonian III on the morning crossing from P3enzance to St. Mary’s.

Sooty Shearwater –  3 on an evening pelagic.

Manx Shearwater – 300 on an evening pelagic.

Sabine’s Gull  – 3 (the first of the year) on an evening pelagic 10 km southeast of St. Mary’s. (photo) and 1 in Scilly waters, seen from the Scillonian III on the return trip from St. Mary’s to Penzance (photo).

Pomarine Skua  –1 on an evening pelagic was  a rare dark phase (photo).

Long-tailed Shua – 1 on an evening pelagic (photo).

Great northern Diver – 1 200metres east of Hats Buoy.

Arctic Tern  – 20 on an evening pelagic  and 24 seen from the Scillonian III on the morning crossing from P3enzance to St. Mary’s.

Kingfisher – 2 at Porth Hellick Pool.

Saturday (10/08)

Cliff Swallow – 1 around Porth Hellick/ Higher Moors.

Scopoli’s Shearwater – 1, identified from photographs, on a daytime pelagic 10 km southeast of St. Mary’s.

Wilson’s Storm-petrel – 29 (including 5 feeding together in the chum slick) on a daytime pelagic 10 km southeast of St. Mary’s (photo).

European Storm-petrel – 20 on a daytime pelagic 10 km southeast of St. Mary’s.

Cory’s Shearwater – 110 on a daytime pelagic 10 km southeast of St. Mary’s.

Great Shearwater – 150 on a daytime pelagic 10 km southeast of St. Mary’s.

Sooty Shearwater –  2 on a daytime pelagic 10 km southeast of St. Mary’s.

Manx Shearwater – 250 on a daytime pelagic 10 km southeast of St. Mary’s.

Pomarine Skua  – A first-summer on a daytime pelagic 10 km southeast of St. Mary’s.

Arctic Tern –  2 on a daytime pelagic 10 km southeast of St. Mary’s.

Short-beaked Common Dolphin –  20 on a daytime pelagic 10 km southeast of St. Mary’s.

Sunday (11/08)

Cliff Swallow – Still present in Tremelethen Farm/Salakee/Porth Hellick area.

Wilson’s Storm-petrel  – The numbers continue to amaze, with 37 on a daytime pelagic 5 km southwest of Bishop Rock.

European Storm Petrel – 80 on the daytime pelagic.

Cory’s Shearwater – 350 on the daytime pelagic.

Great Shearwater – 150 on the daytime pelagic.

Sooty Shearwater – 5 on the daytime pelagic.

Manx Shearwater – 500 on the daytime pelagic.

Long-tailed Skua – A first-summer on the daytime pelagic.

Yellow-legged Gull – A first-summer on the daytime pelagic.

 Mediterranean Gull – 1 by the bar on Bryher.

Arctic Tern – 8 on the daytime pelagic.

Common Sandpiper – 1 on Porth Hellick Beach.

Whimbrel – 1 calling in the mist at Porth Mellon.

Kingfisher – 1  Old Town Bay and 1 caught and ringed at Porth Hellick.

Common Swift – 1 over Tremelethen Farm.

Cetti’s Warbler  – 1 at Porth Hellick.

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