Monday (08/07)

No reports.

Tuesday (09/07)

Wilson’s Storm-petrel  –  4 on an evening pelagic 5 km south west of Bishop Rock.

European Storm-petrel – 40 on an evening pelagic 5 km south west of Bishop Rock.

Great Shearwater – 1 on an evening pelagic 5 km south west of Bishop Rock.

Manx Shearwater – 330 on an evening pelagic 5 km south west of Bishop Rock.

 Short-beaked Common Dolphin –  on an evening pelagic 5 km south west of Bishop Rock.

Blue Shark – 1 caught, tagged and released  on an evening pelagic 5 km south west of Bishop Rock.

Common Swift  – 1 over the Health Centre and 1 seen on the pelagic trip, between the islands on the way back in.

Wednesday (10/07)

No reports.

Thursday (11/07)

European Storm-petrel – 10 on an evening pelagic 5 km south west of Bishop Rock.

Manx Shearwater – 350 on an evening pelagic 5 km south west of Bishop Rock.

Bar-tailed Godwit  – 3 on Green Island and 1 on Teän.

Whimbrel  – 1 on Green Island.

Mediterranean Gull  – 18 in the Teän/Foreman Island area and 12 on Stoney Island.

Sandwich Tern  – 3 on Stony Island.

Blue Shark – 2 caught, tagged and released  on an evening pelagic 5 km south west of Bishop Rock.

Friday (12/07)

Common Sandpiper  – 1 on Porth Hellick Pool.

Common Swift  – 1 over Porth Hellick Pool and 1 over the Steval.

Wheatear  – The over-summering female was still on Porth Hellick Down.

Saturday (13/07)

Green Sandpiper  – 1 on Lower Moors Pool.

Mediterranean Gull  – 11 off the airfield turning circle.

Short-eared Owl – 1 on the airfield.

Hobby  – 1 on the west side of Peninnis and it or another over Star Castle.

Common Swift  – 6+ in the Carreg Dhu area and 1 over Parting Carn.

Sunday (14/07)

Cory’s Shearwater  – 2 seen from a kayak 3 miles  north of Tresco.

Manx Shearwater – 250 seen from a kayak 3 miles  north of Tresco.

Little Egret – 1 on Samson.

Water Rail – An adult was in Lower Moors.

Hobby  – 1 flew through a garden on Church Street, Hugh Town and it or another was seen later passing Longstone Cottage. 1 was seen over Tresco.

Common Sandpiper – 2 on Tresco and 1 on Samson.

Bar-tailed Godwit  – 3 on Green Island and 4 on Samson.

Whimbrel  – 1 on Men-a-vaur and 5 on Samson.

Mediterranean Gull  – 15 were seen on the morning “Seabird Special” boat trip around the smaller uninhabited islands,

Yellow-legged Gull  – 2 on Tresco.

Sandwich Tern – 22 were seen on the morning “Seabird Special” boat trip around the smaller uninhabited islands.

Common Swift –  1 flew over Hugh town and 6 were over Tresco.

White Wagtail – 1 on Tresco.

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