Monday (17 /06)

Solitary Sandpiper – The bird seen briefly on Porth Hellick Pool on last Thursday, reappeared on the Project Pool, Lower Moors early afternoon and remained until mid-evening when it flew off south.

Goldeneye  – The female was still on the Great Pool, Tresco.

Great Northern Diver  – An adult summer-plumaged bird was in the Roads

Common Whitethroat  – The bird seen regularly on Salakee Down has fledged at least 3 chicks. This species is only a sporadic breeder on Scilly

Tuesday (18/06)

Solitary Sandpiper – It was back on the Project Pool (photo).

Hobby – 1 over the Riding Stables.

Common Swift  – 3 near the Great Pool, Tresco.

Cetti’s Warbler  – 2 newly fledged bird #s by the path to the Project Pool.

Garden Warbler – 1 singing at New Grimsby, Tresco.

Wednesday (19/06)

Wilson’s Storm Petrel – The first of the season was 1 seen on the evening pelagic trip 5 km south of Bishop Rock.

European Storm-petrel  – 20 seen on the evening pelagic trip 5 km south of Bishop Rock.

Sooty Shearwater – 2 seen on the evening pelagic trip 5 km south of Bishop Rock.

Manx Shearwater – 40 seen on the evening pelagic trip 5 km south of Bishop Rock.

Grey Phalarope – 1seen on the evening pelagic trip 5 km south of Bishop Rock.

Quai – 1 ran across a path in fields between Content and Telegraph.

Fin Whale – 1 seen in Scilly waters from the Scillonian III on the return trip from St. Mary’s to Penzance.

Bottlenose Dolphin – 1 seen on the evening pelagic trip 5 km south of Bishop Rock.

Short-beaked Common Dolphin – 12 seen on the evening pelagic trip 5 km south of Bishop 

Blue Shark – 2 caught, tagged and released  on the evening pelagic trip 5 km south of Bishop Rock.

Thursday (20/06)

European Storm-petrel  – 8 on the evening pelagic trip 5 km south of Bishop Rock.

Bar-tailed Godwit – 4 on Stony Island.

Mediterranean Gull – 1 on St. Martin’s Flats.

Arctic Skua – 1 on the evening pelagic trip 5 km south of Bishop Rock.

Yellow Wagtail  – 1 possibly 2 with cows in a field along the path  to Mount Todden Farm.

Friday (21/06) 

Mediterranean Gull – 2 off Bar Point

Saturday (22/06)

No reports.

Sunday (23/06)

Common Sandpiper  – 3 on South Beach, Tresco.

Whimbrel  – 1 on Samson.

Mediterranean Gull – 4 on South Beach, Tresco.

Common Tern  – 6 south of Annet, including a pair displaying.

Common Swift  – 3 over Tresco.

Common Whitethroat  – The fledglings were still being fed on Salakee Down. This is the first proven breeding for over a decade.

(c) Martin Goodey
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