Monday (16/10)

Red-eyed Vireo – 1 in scrub between Apple Tree Glade and Watch Hill, Bryher (photo).

Radde’s Warbler – 1 calling and showing occasionally by the recycling bins on the Garrison Campsite.

Glossy Ibis – 1 around St. Mary’s favouring the area around the plastic covered field between Carreg Dhu and Parting Carn

Cattle Egret – 1 with cattle on Pool Road in the field opposite the David hunt Hide, Tresco.

Spoonbill – 2 on Green Island.

Bullfinch – 1 at Porth Killier, St. Agnes. This is a rare bird on Scilly.

Common Rosefinch – 1 still at Perpitch, St. Martin’s.

Little Bunting – 1 still in the hedge of a field at Normandy corner (photo).

Red-backed Shrike – The adult male was still in a hedge west of Newford Duck Pond.

Lapland Bunting – 1 still on Peninnis.

Snow Bunting – 2 on Shipman Head Down, Bryher.

Woodlark – 1 in a field on Sandy Lane.

Wryneck – 1 still around Giant’s Castle/Porth Minnick area.

Cory’s Shearwater – 16 off Horse Point, St. Agnes.

Great Shearwater – 2 off Horse Point, St. Agnes.

Sooty Shearwater – 1 off Horse Point, St. Agnes.

Great Spotted Woodpecker – 1 by Tresco Heliport.

Short-eared Owl – 1 flew north from Back Lane towards Cadtle Down, Tresco and 1 flew in off the sea at Shipman Head, Bryher.

Osprey – 1 flew south over St. Agnes Quay.

Marsh Harrier – 1 flew over Longstone and Carreg Dhu.

Pintail – The drake was still on Abbey Pool, Tresco.

Pochard – 2 drakes on the Great Pool, Tresco.

Tufted Duck – a female on the Great Pool, Tresco.

Red-breasted Merganser – 3 off St. Agnes before moving to n Porthloo Bay.

Grey Plover – 1 on Tresco.

Black-tailed Godwit – 1 on Middle town Beach, St. Martin’s.

Black-tailed Godwit – 1 on the Great Pool, Tresco

Whimbrel – 2 Pendrethan and 1 Porthloo.

Yellow-legged Gull – 1 on the Old town side of Peninnis and 1 on burnt Island, St. Agnes.

Little Gull – 3 flew east past Bar Point and 1 St. Agnes.

Mediterranean Gull – 25 around St. Mary’s and 24 on Tresco.

Common Gull – 5 St. Mary’s, 7 St, Martin’s, 2 in the Roads and 2 on Abbey Pool, Tresco.

Little Egret – 20 on the Great Pool, Tresco and 2 at Porthloo.

Merlin – 1 seen over several locations on St. Mary’s and 1 seen over Tresco.

Skylark – 5 flew over Lower Moors.

Fieldfare =– 30 flew over Lower Moors

Redwing – 20 over the Garrison and 4 flew over Peninnis.

Firecrest – 2 in Carreg Dhu Gardens, 1 between Maypole and the road to Holy Vale, Vineyard, 1 on Old Town Lane and 1 on St. Martin’s.

Cetti’s Warbler – 1 calling in Higher Moors. 

Yellow-browed Warbler – 1 near the recycling bins on the Garrison Campsite, 1 in Tamarisks at Thomas Porth, 1 by the road at Porth Hellick/Higher Moors, 2 on Tresco and 1 on Bryher.

Siberian Chiffchaff – 1 in the Dead Pine Walk, Garrison and 1 calling near the pumping at Higher Moors.

Fieldfare =– 30 flew over Lower Moors and 18 on St. Martin’s.

Redwing – 20 over the Garrison and 4 flew over Peninnis.

Black Redstart – 11 on St. Mary’s, 3 on Tresco, 2 on St. Martin’s and 1 on Bryher.

Common Redstart – 1 at Stinking Porth, Bryher.

Whinchat – 1 Tresco.

Pied Flycatcher – 1 in the Popplestone fields, Bryher and 1 on St. Agnes.

Spotted Flycatcher – 1 still in the Dead Pine Walk, Garrison and 1 Pool Road, Tresco.

Grey Wagtail – 1 on the rocks below Peninnis Allotments and 1 at Salakee Farm.

Brambling – 1 in Popplestone fields, Bryher.

Reed Bunting – 1 in the field at Normandy Corner.

Tuesday (17/10)

Cattle Egret – 1 perched on the Hilda Quick hide in Lower Moors before flying off and landing in Old Town Lane and then settling in the field with cows on Sandy Lane another was on Porthloo Lane and 2 more were with cattle on Tresco,

Little Bunting – 1 still in the hedge of a field at Normandy corner, 1 in a field on Airport Lane and 1 in a weedy field opposite the track to Trewince.

Lapland Bunting – 2 on Peninnis 

Snow Bunting – 1 still at Giant’s Castle.

Red-backed Shrike – The adult male was still in a hedge west of Newford Duck Pond.

Marsh Harrier – 1 on the Garrison flew out of the bracken between Steval and King Charles’ Battery.

Common Buzzard – 1 heading east over Parting Carn.

Long-eared Owl – 1 flushed near the tennis courts on Bryher.

Merlin – 1 over Newford Duck Pond.

Jack Snipe – 1 on Lower Moors Pool.

Woodcock – 1 on the Garrison

Golden Plover – 20 on the airfield.

Curlew Sandpiper – 1 on Porth Hellick Beach.

Whimbrel – c10 around St. Mary’s and 1 on St.Martin’s.

Pintail – 1 on Porth Hellick Beach and Pool

Red-breasted Merganser – 3 in Porth Mellon Bay.

Skylark – 2 on Peninnis.

Firecrest – 3 in Carreg Dhu Gardens and 1 Rocky Hill.

Yellow-browed Warbler – 1 at Higher Moors by the road, 1 at the junction of Airport lane and Old Town Lane and 1 in Apple Tree Glade, Bryher.

Siberian Chiffchaff – 1 in Holy Vale.

Fieldfare – 250 on Bryher, 14 on St. Martin’s and 8 flew over Porth Mellon.

Redwing – 50+ on Bryher 30 on the Garrison and 2 in the pumpkin field behind the New Inn, Tresco.

Ring Ouzel – 1 in a field at Normandy corner, 2 on Peninnis and 1 Newford Duck Pond.

Black Redstart –16 on St. Mary’s and 1 on Bryher.

Whinchat – 2 Bant’s Carn

Pied Flycatcher – 1 Newford Duck Pond and 1 still in the Popplestone fields, Bryher

Spotted Flycatcher – 1 still in the Dead Pine Walk, Garrison and 1 on St. Martin’s.

Siskin – 12 in the Abbey Garden vegetable patch.

Reed Bunting – 1 still in the field at Normandy Corner.

Wednesday (18/10)

Little Bunting – 1 still in a field at Normandy Corner, 1 on Peninnis Farm Trail in the company of a Lapland Bunting (photo) and 2 in a weedy field opposite the track to Trewince. Unfortunately, 1 of the Trewince birds was taken by a Sparrowhawk,

Red-breasted Flycatcher – 1 in the Dead Pine Walk, Garrison.

Lapland Bunting – 1 on Peninnis Farm Trail (photo).

Red-breasted Merganser – 3 off town Beach.

Pochard – 2 drakes on Abbey Pool, Tresco.

Cattle Egret – 2 around St. Mary’s, 3 on Abbey Pool, Tresco and 1 flew from St. Agnes towards the Garrison

Spoonbill – 3 on Samson and 1 circled Porth Hellick Down.

Jack Snipe – 6 on Lower Moors Pool and 1 on Porth Hellick Pool.

Curlew Sandpiper – 1 on Periglis Beach, St. Agnes.

Cory’s Shearwater – 5 in Scilly waters, seen from the Scillonian III on the return trip from St. Mary’s to Penzance.

Great Shearwater –60 in Scilly waters, seen from the Scillonian III on the return trip from St. Mary’s to Penzance.

Sooty Shearwater –10 in Scilly waters, seen from the Scillonian III on the return trip from St. Mary’s to Penzance.

Great Skua – 2 in Scilly waters, seen from the Scillonian III on the return trip from St. Mary’s to Penzance.

Mediterranean Gull – 8 on the Great Pool, Tresco and 3 Porth Cressa.

Common Gull – 2 at Morning Point.

Arctic Tern – 1 in Porth Cressa

Common Tern – 1 New Grimsby Beach, Tresco.

Marsh Harrier – 1 flew over various locations on St. Mary’s.

Short-eared Owl – 1 possibly around St. Mary’s and maybe 1 of theses on Tresco.

Merlin – 1 over Peninnis and 1 hunting Meadow Pipits over Pool Road, Tresco.

Firecrest – 1, in Scilly waters, landed on the Scillonian III, 1 on Porth Hellick Loop and 1 by Hanjague, Rocky Hill.

Yellow-browed Warbler – 1 by the entrance to the Garrison Campsite, 1 calling near the road at Higher, 1 behind the Seven Stones Inn, St. Martin’s and 1 still on Bryher.

Siberian Chiffchaff – 1 by the IOSBG Hide, Lower Moors.

Lesser Whitethroat – 1 in the Dead Pine Walk, Garrison, possibly one of Blythi.

Garden Warbler – 1 in the Dead Pine Walk, Garrison.

Fieldfare – 12 at Trewince.

Black Redstart – 5 on St. Mary’s and 3 on the Flyingboat beach, Tresco.

Spotted Flycatcher – 1 in the Dead Pine Walk, Garrison.

Brambling –1 on the Peninnis Farm Trail and 1 at Trewince.

Siskin –18 at Trewince and 1 at Abbey Crossroads, Tresco.

Reed Bunting – 1 opposite Bishop’s View.

(c) Sam Goddard
(c) Martin Goodey
(c) Toby Carter

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