Saturday (26/08)
RED-FOOTED BOOBY – Still on the Bishop Rock Lighthouse
Scopoli’s Shearwater – 2 more (the 15th & 16th) of the season) was seen and photographed on the daytime pelagic trip 5 km southwest of Bishop Rock.
Woodchat Shrike – The juvenile was still on the wires and hedges in the horse paddock, Sandy Lane.
Red-backed Shrike – 1 still in the field opposite the entrance to Parting Carn Farm.
Wryneck – 1 in the fields behind Porth Minnick
Cory’s Shearwater – 118 in Scillonian waters seen from the morning return crossing from. St. Mary’s to Penzance and c400 on the daytime pelagic trip 5 km southwest of the Bishop Rock.
Great Shearwater – c25 on the daytime pelagic trip 5 km southwest of the Bishop Rock.
Balearic Shearwater – 1 in Scillonian waters seen from the morning return crossing from St. Mary’s to Penzance.
European Storm-petrel – c25 on the daytime pelagic trip 5 km southwest of the Bishop Rock.
Arctic Skua – 2 on the daytime pelagic trip 5 km southwest of the Bishop Rock.
Little Egret – 6 Abbey Pool, Tresco.
Ruff– 1 on Tresco Heliport.
Common Sandpiper – 1 at Santa Warna’s Cove, St. Agnes.
Common Swift – 3 between Longstone and Kittydown.
Whimbrel – 1 St. Agnes.
Pied Flycatcher – 1 flew across the road entrance to 5 Islands School and 1 Sandy Lane.
Tree Pipit – 2 flew over the campsite on the Garrison and 1 Popplestone Beach, Bryher.
Common Redstart – 1 briefly in a garden on High Lanes.
Short-beaked Common Dolphin – 30 on the daytime pelagic trip 5 km southwest of the Bishop Rock.
Blue Shark – 1 caught tagged and released on the daytime pelagic trip 5 km southwest of the Bishop Rock.
Sunday (27/08)
RED-FOOTED BOOBY – It was on the Bishop Rock Lighthouse until it flew off at 09:05 and was seen later foraging at sea before returning to the lighthouse and then flying off again towards the Western Rocks.
Scopoli’s Shearwater – 1 from the Scillonian III on the morning crossing from Penzance to St .Mary’s.
Woodchat Shrike – The juvenile was still on the wires and hedges in the horse paddock, Sandy Lane.
Red-backed Shrike – 1 still in the field opposite the entrance to Parting Carn Farm.
Wryneck – 1 in the fields behind Porth Minnick
Cory’s Shearwater – 300 on the daytime pelagic trip 5 km southwest of the Bishop Rock, 21 off Porth Hellick Down and 100 from the Scillonian III on the morning crossing from Penzance to St. Mary’s.
Great Shearwater – 50 on the daytime pelagic trip 5 km southwest of the Bishop Rock and 20 from the Scillonian III on the morning crossing from Penzance to St. Mary’s.
Sooty Shearwater – 1 on the daytime pelagic trip 5 km southwest of the Bishop Rock and 4 from the Scillonian III on the morning crossing from Penzance to St. Mary’s.
European Storm-petrel – 35 on the daytime pelagic trip 5 km southwest of the Bishop Rock
Long-tailed Skua – A juvenile on the daytime pelagic trip 5 km southwest of the Bishop Rock.
Pomarine Skua – 1 from the Scillonian III on the morning crossing from Penzance to St. Mary’s.
Arctic Skua – 2 on the daytime pelagic trip 5 km southwest of the Bishop Rock.
Arctic Tern – 2 on the daytime pelagic trip 5 km southwest of the Bishop Rock.
Ruff – 1 on Tresco Heliport.
Whimbrel – 1 on Tresco Heliport.
Short-beaked Common Dolphin – 50 on the daytime pelagic trip 5 km southwest of the Bishop Rock.
Blue Shark – 1 caught tagged and released on the daytime pelagic trip 5 km southwest of the Bishop Rock.
Monday (28/08)
Scilly Pelagics today entered the realms of fantasy. The MV Sapphire met 30 birders off the Scillonian III to take them out to Bishop Rock to look for the long-staying RED-FOOTED BOOBY,they were not disappointed it was sat in its usual place, on the netting surrounding the helipad on top of the Lighthouse. After watching the bird for about 25 minutes Mark Thomas looked through the birds on the base of the lighthouse and incredibly saw an adult BROWN BOOBY (photo) amongst the shags. 2 megas on the same rock at the same time was beyond belief.
Cory’s Shearwater – ca.3000 on the evening pelagic trip 5 km southwest of the Bishop Rock.
Great Shearwater – ca.1000 on the evening pelagic trip 5 km southwest of the Bishop Rock.
Sooty Shearwater – 30 on the evening pelagic trip 5 km southwest of the Bishop Rock.
Manx Shearwater – 400 on the evening pelagic trip 5 km southwest of the Bishop Rock.
Green Sandpiper – 1 on Porth Hellick Pool and 1 flew over Salakee Down.
Woodchat Shrike – The juvenile was still on the wires and hedges in the horse paddock,
Sandy Lane. And another juvenile was on Salakee Down.
Red-backed Shrike – 1 still in the field opposite the entrance to Parting Carn Farm.
Wryneck – 1 still in the fields behind Porth Minnick
Redstart – 1 Helvear.
Whinchat – 1 Helvear.
Tree Pipit – 1 on Salakee Down.
Short-beaked Common Dolphin –30+ on the evening pelagic trip 5 km southwest of the Bishop Rock.
Atlantic Bluefin Tuna – 50+ on the evening pelagic trip 5 km southwest of the Bishop Rock.