Friday (05/05)
Laughing Gull – An adult was displaying amongst the Lesser Black-backed Gull colony on the east side of Gugh.
Red-rumped Swallow – 1 on St. Martin’s (photo)
Woodchat Shrike – 1 inland from Pentle Bat, Tresco and 1 at the campsite on Bryher.
Temminck’s Stint – 1 still on Bryher Pool.
Marsh Harrier – 1 at Porth Hellick.
Tufted Duck – A drake was on Porth Hellick Pool.
Grey Plover – 2 on Bryher and 1 on Porth Hellick Beach.
Wood Sandpiper –1 on Porth Killier, St. Agnes.
Turtle Dove – Still 3 coming and going from a ploughed field at Normandy Corner, 2 at Trenoweth, 1 in a field between Rosehill and Carreg Dhu
Golden Oriole – 1 at the back of the school on St. Mary’s and on St. Martin’s 2 on the top track from Seven Stones Pub & 1 in the gorse below the sheep fields.
Lesser Whitethroat – 2 at Little Arthur, St. Martin’s.
Common Redstart – A female was at the campsite on Bryher.
Saturday (06/05)
Red-rumped Swallow – 1 with a mixed flock of hirundines over Porth Hellick before been chased off by a Hobby.
Woodchat Shrike – 1 still on the woodpile inland from Pentle Bay, Tresco and 1still at the
campsite on Bryher.
Temminck’s Stint – 1 still on Bryher Pool.
Marsh Harrier – 1 over Lower Moors and Porth Hellick
Marsh Harrier – 1 at Porth Hellick.
Great Northern Diver – 2 in Crow Sound, 1 in St.Mary’s Sound and a full summer-plumage bird at Samson Flats.
Tufted Duck – The drake was still on Porth Hellick Pool.
Golden Plover – 3 or 4 on St. Agnes.
Whimbrel – 1 at Porthloo and 5 at Porth Killier, St. Agnes.
Hobby – 1 seen over both Lower Moors and Porth Hellick.
Turtle Dove – Up to 4 in the ploughed field at Normandy Corner, 1 flew over Higher Moors, 2 in a weedy field between Rosehill & the Carreg Dhu turn off and 4 were on St. Agnes.
Wood Warbler – 1 Pool Road, Tresco.
Garden Warbler – 1
Tree Pipit – 2 at Trenoweth.
White Wagtail – 1 at Periglis, St. Agnes.
Reed Bunting – 1 in Lower Moors.
Sunday (07/05)
Laughing Gull – After not showing yesterday the adult flew past the Turk’s Head Pub on St. Agnes towards Gugh Bar. It is thought it may be the bird that was on the islands last year from 10th July to 10th August, which but was only seen 4 times in its stay.
Pink-footed Goose – 1 above Little Arthur Farm, St. Martin’s.
Great Northern Diver – 1 off Innisidgen.
Marsh Harrier – 1 seen circling over Porth Mellon and Longstone before moving west over Higher Moors – Salakee -Tremelethen.
Hobby – 1 circling with the Marsh Harrier over Higher Moors.
Grey Plover – 1 Porth Mellon Beach.
Whimbrel – 2 flying south past Bryher.
Turtle Dove – in a field at Middle Town, St. Martin’s.
Cuckoo – 1 flew over Lower Moors towards Peninnis and 1 flew over the Great Pool, Tresco.
Monday (08/05)
A day of thick fog and heavy rain, consequently very few reports.
Laughing Gull – The adult put in a brief appearance on the Pool on St. Agnes, then flew to the rocks between Periglis and Porth Coose before flying off towards Gugh.