Sunday (28/08)
The final daytime Birders’ Special Pelagic trip 6 miles southwest of St. Agnes produced a Wilson’s Storm-petrel, 60 European Storm-petrel, 46 Great Shearwater, 17 Cory’s Shearwater, 4 Sooty Shearwater, 3 Balearic Shearwater, 2000 Manx Shearwater, 8 Grey Phalarope, 9 Sabine’s Gull, 3 Great Skua, an Arctic Skua, 100 Short-beaked Dolphin and a Blue Shark.
Booted Warbler – 1 was found at Higher Moors on the trail from the road to Holy Vale (photo).
Purple Heron – 4 seen from St. Martin’s coming in off the sea from the southwest, this is an unparalleled number for Scilly. They were seen by a very experienced Dutch birder.
Pectoral Sandpiper S– 1 still on the Great Pool, Tresco.
Hoopoe – 1 still in the same fields at Telegraph.
Red-backed Shrike – A juvenile in the maze orchard along Carn Friars Farm Track.
Wryneck – 1 on St. Agnes
Wood Sandpiper – 1 on the Great Pool, Tresco.
Green Sandpiper – 1 on Porth Hellick Pool and 1 on the Great Pool, Tresco.
Great Spotted Woodpecker – 1 at the Holy Vale end of Higher Moors and probably the same bird seen earlier on St. Agnes
Whitethroat – 1 on Carn Friars Farm
Whinchat – 1 at Salakee, 1 in the field opposite Bordeaux Pottery and 1 on Tresco.
Pied Flycatcher – 1 on the Dead Pine Walk on the Garrison, 1 on St. Agnes and 1 on Tresco.
Spotted Flycatcher – 2 on the Dead Pine Walk on the Garrison.
Tree Pipit – 2 at Salakee.
White Wagtail – 9 on St. Agnes and1 on Tresco.
Yellow Wagtail – 1 flew east over the Garrison and a Blue-headed type was seen from the Swarovski hide on Tresco.
Monday (29/08)
The final evening trip of the final weekend of Birders’ Special Pelagics 3 miles southwest of Bishop Rock finished off the season with 1 Wilson’s Storm-petrel, 25 European Storm-petrel, 29 Great Shearwater, a Balearic Shearwater, 3 Sooty Shearwater, 2000+ Manx Shearwater and 30 Short-beaked Dolphin .
A local birder spent a superb hour in the Swarovski Hide on the Great Pool, in which time he saw 2 Pectoral Sandpipers (photo), 4 Little Stint, 4 Wood Sandpiper, 5 Green Sandpiper, 1 Common Sandpiper, 5 Greenshank, 5 Redshank and 4 Dunlin, for Scilly this an exceptional collection of waders. Als seen were a Citrine Wagtail, 6 Blue-headed type Wagtail, a Yellow Wagtail, 6 White Wagtail and 15 Mediterranean Gull.
Booted Warbler – 1 still at Higher Moors
Hoopoe – 1 still in the same fields at Telegraph.
Red-backed Shrike – The juvenile was still in the maze orchard along Carn Friars Farm Track.
Wryneck – 1 flew over the Carn Friars horse paddock towards Porth Hellick Down, 1 in Porth Minnick allotments, 1 at Maypole and 1 on Bryher.
Curlew Sandpiper – 1 on Bryher.
Green Sandpiper – 1 flew east over the Golf Course.
Whinchat – 1 on Bryher.
Pied Flycatcher – 1 Watermill Lane, 1 at Telegraph, 1 on Tresco, 5 on Bryher, 2 at Maypole and 1 on Gugh.
Spotted Flycatcher – 2 at Maypole, 4 on Bryher and 1 on Tresco.
Tree Pipit – 3 Higher Moors and 4 at Maypole and
Tuesday (30/08)
Booted Warbler – Seen briefly in the sallows on Higher Moors.
Caspian Gull – A juvenile on a fishing/sharking trip 3 miles southwest of Bishop Rock. The bird was ringed and from photographs the number could be read and subsequently it was identified as part of the Dutch Caspian Gull ringing Scheme. This was only the 6th record for Scilly.
Ortolan Bunting – 1 briefly at Porth Hellick Pool.
Citrine Wagtail – 1 seen and heard calling from the David Hunt Hide and later on Simpson’s Field by the Great Pool, Tresco.
Pectoral Sandpiper – 2 still on the Great Pool, Tresco.
Icterine Warbler – 1 at Tamarisk Farm, St. Agnes.
Red-backed Shrike – The juvenile was in a field along Carn Friars Farm Track.
Wryneck – 1 on Carn Friars Farm and 1 on New Lane, St. Agnes.
Spotted Crake – 1 on the Great Pool, Tresco.
European Storm-petrel – 6 on a fishing/sharking trip 3 miles southwest of Bishop Rock
Great Shearwater – 2 on a fishing/sharking trip 3 miles southwest of Bishop Rock.
Balearic Shearwater – 1 on a fishing/sharking trip 3 miles southwest of Bishop Rock
Manx Shearwater – 200 on a fishing/sharking trip 3 miles southwest of Bishop Rock
Great Skua – 1 on a fishing/sharking trip 3 miles southwest of Bishop Rock
Ruff – 1 on Porth Hellick Pool (photo) and another on a small scrape behind the Star Castle staff accommodation.
Wood Sandpiper – 2 on the Great Pool, Tresco.
Common Sandpiper –1 on Porth Hellick Beach.
Black-tailed Godwit – 7 on the Great Pool, Tresco.
Bar-tailed Godwit – 1 on a small scrape behind the Star Castle staff accommodation.
Hobby – A first-summer bird over Holy Vale.
Osprey –1 high between the Garrison and St. Agnes.
Little Stint – 2 on the Great Pool and 2 on Abbey Pool, Tresco.
Whinchat –
Pied Flycatcher –3 in the elms opposite the riding Stables, 1 at Newford Duck Pond, 1 in Holy Vale, 2 at the north end of Old Town Lane and 1 by Abbey Pool.
Spotted Flycatcher – 1 Holy Vale.
Wednesday (31/08)
Citrine Wagtail – 1 again on the Great Pool, Tresco showing from the Swarovski Hide. This bird is causing some debate (photo).
Pectoral Sandpiper – 2 still on the Great Pool, Tresco showing from the Swarovski Hide.
Melodious Warbler – 1 in Popplestone Fields, Bryher.
Wood Sandpiper – 1 on the Great Pool, Tresco.
Green Sandpiper – 1 flew over the coastal path below the Golf Course.
Common Sandpiper – 1 on Porth Hellick Pool and 1 on the Great Pool, Tresco.
Ruff – The Porth Hellick bird and the Garrison bird both still present. The Garrison bird was seen in Lower Moors early evening.
Osprey – 1 flew over Tresco (photo).
Wryneck – 2 along the coastal path beyond Juliet’s Garden and 2 on Bryher.
Great Spotted Woodpecker –1 calling from the pines behind Porth Hellick House.
Garden Warbler – 1 on Bryher.
Common Whitethroat – 1 along the coastal path beyond Juliet’s Garden.
Pied Flycatcher – 1 at Higher Moors end of Holy Vale, 1 along the coastal path beyond Juliet’s Garden, 3 in the Bishop’s View area, 1 by the Woolpack Battery on the Garrison. 5 on Bryher, 1 St. Agnes and 2 on St. Martin’s.
Spotted Flycatcher – 1 along the coastal path beyond Juliet’s Garden,1 in the Bishop’s View area, 10 on Bryher, 1 on St. Agnes and 6 on St.Martin’s.
Whinchat – 3 along the coastal path beyond Juliet’s Garden, 2 in the Bishop’s View area, 5 on Bryher and 1 on St. Martin’s
Tree Pipit – 1 on St. Martin’s and 1 flew over New Lane, St. Agnes.
Yellow Wagtail – 1 flew over the BT building at Content and 2 flew over New Lane, St. Agnes.
White Wagtail – 7 on St. Agnes.
Blue-headed Wagtail – 2 on the Great Pool, Tresco.