Monday (06/06)
Little Bittern – The male was still at Porth Hellick Pool.
Wilson’s Storm-petrel – The first of the year, a very early bird, was seen on an evening pelagic trip (photo).
Temminck’s Stint – 1 on the Great Pool, Tresco. This a very rare bird on Scilly.
Quail – 2 flushed off the path from Holy Vale to Porth Hellick.
Golden Oriole – A “probable” heard distantly from Churchtown Farm, St. Martin’s.
Marsh Warbler– A bird, skulking in a bush and giving a subsong in mallows at Porth Killier was thought to be this species.
Tufted Duck – A pair on Abbey Pool, Tresco.
Pochard – 1 with 4 well grown young on Abbey Pool, Tresco.
Tuesday (07/06)
Little Bittern – The male was still at Porth Hellick Pool.
Wednesday (08/06)
Little Bittern – The male was still at Porth Hellick Pool.
Red-necked Phalarope – 1 at Porth Hellick briefly, it flew round the pool before heading out into the bay and was not seen again. This is a rare bird on Scilly.
Temminck’s Stint – 1 on the Great Pool, Tresco. Another bird that is rare Scilly.
Thursday (09/06)
Little Bittern – The male was still at Porth Hellick Pool.
Temminck’s Stint – 1 still on the Great Pool, Tresco.
Swift – 1 over the Great Pool, Tresco.
Friday (10/06)
Little Bittern – The male was still at Porth Hellick Pool.
Hobby – 1 over Middle Town, St. Martin’s and probably the same bird over Higher Moors.
Cuckoo – 1 heard at Helvear.
Saturday (11/06)
Little Bittern – The male was still at Porth Hellick Pool.
White Wagtail – 1 at Porth Hellick Pool.
Sunday (12/06)
Little Bittern – The male was still at Porth Hellick Pool.
Whimbrel – 1 near Samson.
Mediterranean Gull – An adult in the Roads.