Friday (22/10)
Spotted Sandpiper – 1 still at Watermill Cove (photo).
Hoopoe – What was presumably the bird that was on St. Mary’s yesterday had moved to St. Agnes, where it was seen at various sites.
Red-throated Pipit – A “possible” was seen in the courtyard of the old school at Carn Thomas and another “possible” flew over Watermill.
Red-breasted Flycatcher –1 halfway along Pool Road, Tresco.
Richard’s Pipit – 1 flew north calling over Old Town and what was probably the same bird hear and seen in flight over Popplestone Brow, Bryher.
Woodlark – 1 showing occasionally in fields/wires along Pungies Lane, it or others were also seen in the ploughed field at Parting Carn and in a field at the Rocky Hills end of Sunnyside Farm Trail.
Water Pipit – 1 still in the ploughed field at Parting Carn and 2 in a weedy field behind Porth Minnick.
Red-backed Shrike – 1 in bracken on the edge of the small fields between Popplestone Bay and Shipman Head Down, Bryher.
Spoonbill – 3 on Samson
Hawfinch – 1 flew over Porth Hellick Loop towards Old Town
Lapland Bunting – 1 in a weedy field on Pungies Lane.
Snow Bunting – 2 Giant’s Castle, 1 at New Quay, 1 at Porth Killier, St. Agnes, 1 Castle Down, Tresco and 1 flew east over Gweal Hill, Bryher.
Reed Bunting – 1 on Peninnis.
Spotted Redshank – 1 still on the Great Pool, Tresco.
Jack Snipe – 1 on Lower Moors Pool.
Yellow-browed Warbler – 1 still on Porth Hellick Loop Trail, 1 by Middle Tinks Cottage, Holy Vale, 1 near the lane to Trenoweth, 1 calling between Old Town Chuchyard and the School1 calling in hedges behind the waste collection site, Bryher and 1 the trees above the gate overlooking Simpson’s Field, Tresco.
Siberian Chiffchaff – 2 singing in Lower Moors.
Great Northern Diver – A minimum of 6 seen in Scillonian waters.
Whooper Swan – 3 flew east over St. Martin’s.
Pale-bellied Brent Goose – 3 off Samson.
Pink-footed Goose – 6 on Back Lane, Tresco.
Shelduck – 12 on Samson.
Shoveler – 2 on the Great Pool, Tresco.
Pochard – 2 on the Great Pool, Tresco.
Eider – 1 on the east end of the rocks at Skirt Island, Tresco.
Common Scoter – A female east of St. Martin’s.
Sooty Shearwater – 8 seen on a pelagic trip 3 miles west of St. Mary’s and 1 past Peninnis.
Manx Shearwater – 12 seen on a pelagic trip 3 miles west of St. Mary’s.
Golden Plover – 4 on Castle Down, Tresco.
Purple Sandpiper – 8 on the Western Rocks.
Whimbrel – 6 Pelistry Ledges.
Great Skua – 2 seen on a pelagic trip 3 miles west of St. Mary’s.
Puffin – 2 seen on a pelagic trip 3 miles west of St. Mary’s.
Merlin – 1 Old Grimsby, Tresco.
Kingfisher – 1 Great Porth, Bryher.
Ring Ouzel – 1 in fields on Peninnis, 2 Salakee Down/Turning Circle/ Porth Minnick area, 1 Black Carn, Bryher and 1 in a field just east of the cricket pitch on St. Martin’s.
Redwing – Still plenty around the islands.
Fieldfare – 1 on Bryher.
Black Redstart – 1 in the courtyard of the old school at Carn Thomas, 1 Old Town Store, 1 Longstone, 1 High Lanes, 5 on Bryher 4 Old Grimsby, Tresco, and 1 at Porth Killier, St. Agnes.
Brambling – 1 flew over Peninnis, 3 flew over at Sunnyside Farm Trail, 1 in the ploughed field at Parting Carn, 1 Abbey Road, Tresco, 1 Dolphin Town, Tresco
Siskin – Still substantial numbers.
Short-billed Common Dolphin – c200 seen on a pelagic trip 3 miles west of St. Mary’s.