Saturday (25/09)
Baird’s Sandpiper – 1 still on the beach at Stinking Porth, Bryher.
Woodchat Shrike – The subspecies badius“Balearic” Shrike was still on Helvear.
Buff-breasted Sandpiper – ! still on Shipman Head Down, Bryher.
Pectoral Sandpiper – 1 still on Porth Hellick Pool and 1 on Tresco Heliport.
Common Rosefinch – 1 at the bulb dump at Lower Town, St. Agnes.
Red-backed Shrike – A juvenile at the campsite on St. Matin’s.
Yellow-browed Warbler – The first of the autumn 1 heard by the road at the entrance to Porth Hellick and 1 in Garden.
Common Sandpiper – 1 Carn Leh, Old Town Bay.
Mediterranean Gull – 1 in St. Mary’s Sound off Gugh.
Common Gull –1 in St. Mary’s Sound off Gugh
Sooty Shearwater – 5 seen from the Scillonian III on the morning crossing from Penzance to St. Mary’s.
Whinchat – 3 on St. Martin’s.
Spotted Flycatcher – 1 on St. Martin’s.
Tree Pipit – 2 at Helvear.
Yellow Wagtail – 1 on St. Agnes Cricket Pitch.
Crossbill – A male & a female in pines by Innisidgen which flew towards Trenoweth, 1 flying around Helvear may have been one of these.
Atlantic Yellowfin Tuna – 20 seen from the Scillonian III on the morning crossing from Penzance to St. Mary’s.
Sunday (26/09)
Baird’s Sandpiper – 1 still on the beach at Stinking Porth, Bryher.
Western Bonelli’s Warbler – 1 at the north end of Middle Town Pines and then moving to an area above Seven Stones Pub, St. Martin’s.
Woodchat Shrike – The subspecies badius“Balearic” Shrike was still on Helvear.
Buff-breasted Sandpiper – 1 still on Shipman Head Down, Bryher.
Pectoral Sandpiper – 1 still on Porth Hellick Pool (photo) and 1 seen on both pools on Tresco.
Rose-coloured Starling – A mobile juvenile flew over Hell Bay Hotel and was seen later in the old pig fields on Bryher.
Red-backed Shrike – A male in the fields behind Seven Stones Pub and the juvenile was still in the campsite fields both on St. Martin’s.
Common Rosefinch – 1 late afternoon in fields behind St. Martin’s cricket pitch.
Wryneck – 1 which was apparently injured was brought in by at Pilot’s Retreat area recovered and flew off towards Sallyport. 1 in the allotments on Bryher 100 meters along the track from Fraggle Rock to Aneka’s Quay.
Spotted Redshank – 1 still on the Great Pool, Tresco.
Bar-tailed Godwit – 3 on Taylor’s Island, Porthloo.
Brent Goose – 1 of Bar Point and 1 on Bryher Pool.
Lesser Whitethroat – 1 at Maypole.
Pied Flycatcher – 1 Holy Vale.
Spotted Flycatcher – 1 St. Martin’s.
Whinchat – 2 in the Standing Stones Field and 1 on St. Martin’s.