Monday (28/06)
Wilson’s Storm-petrel – 1 was seen 5 miles southeast of St. Mary’s on the evening pelagic trip. (photo)
Red-Footed Falcon – 1 still on the Golf Course.
Rose-coloured Starling – 1 was on the west end of the beach on Old Town Bay, then on the roof of nowhere.
European Storm-petrel – 8 were seen 5 miles southeast of St. Mary’s on the evening pelagic trip. (photo)
Sooty Shearwater – The first of the year was 1 seen 5 miles southeast of St. Mary’s on the evening pelagic.
Iceland Gull – 1 was in a bare field at the junction of Telegraph Road and High Lanes.
Wood Sandpiper – 1 flew over Tregarthen’s Hotel.
Cetti’s Warbler – 1 at Porth Hellick with 2 or 3 recently fledged juvenile.
Mediterranean Gull – an adult and a 2nd-summer in Tresco Channel.
Blue Shark – 3 where caught, tagged and released (photo)
Tuesday (29/06)
Marsh Warbler – 1 still on St. Agnes
Dark-bellied Brent Goose – a very unseasonable bird was seen and photographed at Old Grimsby, Tresco.
Iceland Gull – 1 was in field along Telegraph Road before the Porthloo turn.
Wally the walrus, after not been reported for two days he was seen feeding off Bar Point and was later back in Hugh Town Harbour.
Wednesday (30/06)
Red-Footed Falcon – 1 still on the Golf Course.
Iceland Gull – 1 still in a field along Telegraph Road before the Porthloo turn.
Common Sandpiper – 1 on Porth Hellick Beach
Swift – 1 flew over Mount Todden
Siskin – 1 flew over Star Castle
Wally the walrus was again feeding off Bar Point and was later back in Hugh Town Harbour.
Thursday (01/07)
Red-Footed Falcon – 1 still on the Golf Course.
Iceland Gull – 1 still in a field along Telegraph Road before the Porthloo turn.
Wally the walrus was in Hugh Town Harbour this time chilling out on a pontoon.
Friday (02/07)
Red-Footed Falcon – 1 still on the Golf Course (photo).
Dark-bellied Brent Goose – The unseasonable bird seen on Tresco on Tuesday was on Bryher Pool.
Iceland Gull – 1 still in a field along Telegraph Road before the Porthloo turn and later it flew over the Golf Course.
Saturday (03/07)
Red-Footed Falcon – 1 still on the Golf Course.
Rose-coloured Starling – 1 on Carn Friars Farm in the field behind the ringing lanes at Porth Hellick.
Iceland Gull – 1 still in a field along Telegraph Road before the Porthloo turn.
Dark-bellied Brent Goose – 1 was still on Bryher Pool.
Common Sandpiper – 1 on Shipman, Bryher.
Wally the walrus was on the Tresco side of Crow Beacon.
Sunday (04/07)
Red-Footed Falcon – 1 still on the Golf Course.
Iceland Gull – 1 still in a field along Telegraph Road before the Porthloo turn and it or another on Tresco.
Dark-bellied Brent Goose – 1 was still on Bryher Pool.
Pochard – 7 ducking on Tresco.
Siskin – A male feeding young on Tresco.
Lesser Redpoll – 1 on Tresco.
Wally the walrus was back in Hugh Town Harbour.