Monday (21/06)
Red-breasted Merganser – A pair were in Pelistry Bay off Toll’s Island late evening.
Redwing – A very unseasonable bird was seen in a field near the Old Town Church.
Tuesday (22/06)
Marsh/Blyth’s Reed Warbler – An Acrocephalus Warbler heard on St. Agnes and later seen briefly, mainly in flight, was at first thought to be a Marsh Warbler but then thought to be more likely a Blyth’s Reed Warbler.
Rose-coloured Starling – 1 was at Nowhere, Old Town.
Wally the Walrus was aboard! The fishing vessel Sowenna moored off Lower Town St. Martin’s.
Wednesday (23/06)
Marsh/Blyth’s Reed Warbler – After several incarnations, on examination of sound recordings mot people have plumped for Marsh.
Wally the Walrus was on a rib in Hugh Town Harbour, the rib was towed to quieter waters before the traffic started in the harbour.
Thursday (24/06)
Red-Footed Falcon – After no reports since last Saturday (19/06) it was seen again on the Golf Course.
Rose-coloured Starling – 1 was on the roof of Old Town Café briefly.
Wilson’s Storm-petrel – The first of the summer was 1 seen 7.5 miles south of St. Mary’s on the evening pelagic trip (photo).
European Storm-petrel – 3 were seen 7.5 miles south of St. Mary’s on the evening pelagic trip.
Great Skua– 1 was seen 3.5 miles south of St. Mary’s on the evening pelagic trip.
Wally the Walrus was on still asleep on the rib moored to t a green buoy of Rat Island, outside the harbour. It seems happy to use this rib as a sleeping and resting place.
Friday (25/06)
Red-Footed Falcon – 1 in rocks south of Church Point.
Rose-coloured Starling – 1 was still at Old Town behind Nowhere.
Iceland Gull – 1 again in the pig field behind Star Castle.
Mediterranean Gull – An and a 2nd-summer in Tresco Channel.
Wally the Walrus was off Guthers near Higher Town, St. Martin’s.
Saturday (26/06)
Red-Footed Falcon – 1 still on the Golf Course.
Rose-coloured Starling – 1 was still at Old Town around Nowhere.
Pochard – 5 ducklings on Tresco.
Lapwing – 1 flew north over the Golf course, and it or another on Tresco.
Iceland Gull – 1 again in the pig field behind Star Castle.
Swift – 10 over Tresco.
Lesser Redpoll – 1 on Tresco.
Wally the Walrus was near John Martin’s Ledge, St. Martins and was then back in Hugh Town Harbour.
Sunday (27/06)
Red-Footed Falcon – 1 still on the Golf Course.
Wood Sandpiper – 1 on Porth Hellick Pool