Monday (26/04)
Another wonderful day on Scilly with a splendid selection of birds
Rock Thrush – A female type flew in off the sea about 19:00 and landed near the airport turning circle and was was relocated at Blue Carn between Giant’s Castle and Porth Minnick (photo)
Red-footed Falcon – A female in a sheep field between Middle and Higher Town, St. Martin’s
Bee-eater – 1 still in the Carn Friars/Normandy area, it or another over Hugh House on the Garrison
Purple Heron – 1 on the Great Pool, Tresco, then seen heading east over Little Arthur Farm, St. Martin’s and then over Borough Farm, St. Mary’s and then back to Tresco, where it landed in reeds on the Great Pool
Little Bunting – A probable flew over Dolphin Town flew over towards the cricket pitch
Woodchat Shrike– 1 still opposite Dolphin House, Tresco (photo)
Richard’s Pipit – 1 Rushy Bay, Bryher
Serin – 1 on Bryher flew southwest over the boatyard towards Samson Hill
Cattle Egret – 4 still at Dolphin Town, Tresco
Golden Oriole – 2 at Rushy Bay, Bryher
Blue-headed Wagtail – 1 at Porth Hellick, 2 just south of New Grimsby, Tresco, 4 males & 2 female type Simpson’s Field, Tresco
Greylag Goose – 1 at Lower Moors
Turtle Dove – Still 2 in the garden behind Star Castle, 1 flew north over Bryher Church, 1 Borough Farm, Tresco, 2 St. Agnes, 1 Rushy Bay, Bryher
Swift – 1 over the Garrison, 1 over Porth Hellick Bay, 1 St. Martin’s, 1 St. Agnes
Cuckoo – 1 near Bryher Campsite, 1 singing northwest of Longstone, 1 Carn Morval Point, 1 St. Agnes, 1 Dolphin Town, Tresco, 2 Bryher
Great Northern Diver – 1 in the Roads
Marsh Harrier – 1 was been mobbed by a Merlin over Dolphin Town, and the Great Pool, Tresco which later flew towards Bryher and then seen over Samson. From timing of reports a different bird was on St. Mary’s, seen over Higher Moors, Longstone and Lower Moors
Whimbrel –1 Porth Hellick Beach, 2 St. Martin’s
Common Sandpiper – 1 Porth Hellick Pool,
Iceland Gull – 1 in the Mermaid Carpark, 1 Porthloo, 1 on the Golf course
Short-eared Owl – 1 Samson
Merlin – 1 mobbing a Marsh Harrier Town, Tresco
Jackdaw – 2 flew over Hugh Town
Raven – 1 St. Martin’s
Skylark – 1 St. Martin’s
Grasshopper Warbler – 1 at Dolphin Town, Tresco
Spotted Flycatcher – 1 at Old Grimsby, Tresco, 1 in the pines behind the Garrison pig field
Pied Flycatcher – 1 at Old Grimsby, Tresco, 1 in the pines behind the Garrison pig field, 2 Bryher
Redstart – 1 in the paddocks behind the Garrison Football Pitch, a male at the bottom of Kittydown
Black Redstart – 1 Bryher
Whinchat – 1 at Old Grimsby, Tresco
Yellow Wagtail – 1 Porth Hellick, 2 flew east over the Garrison, 12 just south of New Grimsby, Tresco, 7 males & 4 Field, Tresco
Tree Pipit – 25+ Tresco, 20 Bryher, 10 Samson
Lesser Redpoll – 1 on the Garrison between the Woolpack and the Steval
Siskin – 3 Bryher