The Spotted Sandpiper on Porth Hellick Beach was joined by a Pectoral Sandpiper in the evening, also on the beach were 15 Ringed Plover and 2 Dunlin.
A Melodious Warbler was at Longstone, a Swift was over Lower Moors, a Spotted Flycatcher was on the Garrison, 3 Grey Wagtail & 4 Siskin flew over the Garrison and another Siskin was at the desalination plant at Deep Point.
On the off-islands a Ruff, 10 Greenshank, 3 Wigeon, a Grey Wagtail & a Siskin were on Tresco, a Spoonbill was on Green Island, a Curlew Sandpiper & 20 White Wagtail were on Samson & a Spotted Flycatcher was on Gugh. The Western Bonelli’s Warbler, 2 Pied Flycatcher & a Whinchat were on Bryher, a Grey Wagtail was on St. Agnes and 23 Pale-bellied Brent Geese flew up Tresco Channel.
Light northerly winds meant a quiet evening pelagic trip 5 miles south of St. Mary’s, producing only 3 Sooty Shearwater & 2 Great Skua, also seen were c20 Common Dolphin and a Blue Shark was caught, tagged and released.
The Spotted Sandpiper & the Pectoral Sandpiper were both still on Porth Hellick Beach early morning, both were flushed by dog walkers and only the Spotted Sandpiper returned, spending the rest of the day commuting between the beach and the pool. A Lapwing flew over the airfield and a Dotterel was found there in the evening. A Kingfisher was at Newford Duck Pond and 2 Spotted Flycatcher were in the Campsite Garden. A Greenshank & a Whimbrel were on St. Martin’s, a Spoonbill was on Green Island, Samson and 3 Pied Flycatcher were on Bryher.
A very close Leach’s Petrel, a juvenile Sabine’s Gull and 20+ Bluefin Tuna were seen on the “Scilly side” from the Scillonian III on the return trip to Penzance.