25 Swift were over Longstone.
2 Mediterranean Gull were in Porthcressa Bay, 2 were in Tresco Channel and 6 were hawking flying ants over Tresco, 20 Swift were also over Tresco and a Little Egret was in Tresco Channel.
There were 2 Sanderling and 12 Sandwich Tern on St. Martin’s
3 Mediterranean Gull flew over Church Road, Hugh Town, 2 were at Porth Mellon, 3 were east of St. Martin’s and 2 were on Tresco. 2 Swift were over Hugh Town and at least 2 pairs have bred on Tresco.
700 Manx Shearwater, were feeding east of Scilly Rock, where there was also a Minke Whale and a Balearic Shearwater & a European Storm-petrel were in with the shearwater flock.
About 50 Puffin, 8 common Tern and an Arctic Tern were around the Western Rocks.
On Tresco were: 19 Sandwich Tern, 21 Sanderling, 3 Dunlin, 32 Turnstone, 3 Whimbrel, 6 Greenshank, 7 Redshank and a White Wagtail.
The evening short-range sharking/ pelagic trip produced a Wilson’s Storm-petrel, a Great Skua and a Blue Shark.