The Lesser Kestrel was still on Porth Hellick Down, a Common Buzzard was over Tresco and a Hooded Crow was at Higher Town, St. Martin’s.
2 Willow Warbler were at Porth Hellick & 1 was in Lower Moors, 2 Redwing were on the Garrison and the Snow Bunting was still on Holgate’s Green.
7 Sandwich Tern were on Newman Buoy, Porthloo and a Common Gull was on the Golf Course.
The winds turned southeast with a consequent improvement in the bird sightings.
The Lesser Kestrel was at Deep Point, the Short-eared Owl was on Porth Hellick Down and an Osprey toured St. Mary’s.
A Hoopoe was on Carn Friars Farm, a Grasshopper Warbler was behind Duchy House on the Garrison, 2 Black Redstart & a Tree Pipit were at Pelistry and the Snow Bunting was still on Holgate’s Green.
12 Sandwich Tern were at Porthcressa, 2 Whimbrel were at Pelistry & 4 were on Taylor’s Island with a Bar-tailed Godwit.