New in were a Rustic Bunting on Tresco Heliport and a Short-toed Lark on St. Agnes. The Isabelline Wheatear was found again, back on Castle Down, Tresco and the putative Green-winged Teal was still on Newford Duckpond. The Common Rosefinch was seen again on St. Agnes.

A Pink-footed Goose was on Tresco & another was on St. Agnes, 2 Whooper Swan were in Town Bay, then moving to Porth Hellick Pool & 4 flew past Tresco, a Shoveler was on Abbey Pool, Tresco, 2 Pochard & a Tufted Duck was on Abbey Pool and another Tufted Duck & a Scaup were on the Great Pool, Tresco. A Great Northern Diver was off Watermill, 4 Spoonbill were on Green Island, Samson, the ring-tailed Hen Harrier was seen over Tresco, Bryher & St. Agnes, a Buzzard was on Tresco and there 2 Spotted Crake in Lower Moors. A Jack Snipe was on Porth Hellick Loop, 12 Mediterranean Gull were in Tresco Channel, a Yellow-legged Gull was off Watermill and an Arctic Skua was in Old Town Bay. A Short-eared Owl was on Bryher, Merlin were over Parting Carn & St. Agnes and the Red-backed Shrike was still on St. Agnes.4 Siberian Chiffchaff were on St. Mary’s, 3 were on Tresco & 2 were on St. Agnes, 6 Yellow-browed Warbler were on St. Mary’s, 2 were on Tresco & 1 was on St. Agnes , a late Reed Warbler was at Higher Moors, a possible eastern type Lesser Whitethroat was on the Garrison, the Cetti’s Warbler was still at Porth Hellick and Firecrest were at Higher Moors, Carreg Dhu Gardens & on Tresco. A Ring Ouzel was on the Garrison, there were only a few Fieldfare & Redwing remaining, the Red-breasted Flycatcher was still on St. Agnes, 13 Black Redstart were on St. Mary’s, 5 were on Tresco & 1 was on St.Agnes, a Common Redstart was at the Riding Stables, 2 Whinchat were at Porthloo, 1 was on Tresco & 1 was on Bryher and a Wheatear was at Little Porth, 2 were on Tresco &3 were on St. Agnes. A Brambling was at Rosehill, 12 Siskin were on Tresco and 2 Reed Bunting & a Lapland Bunting were on Tresco.