The Yellow-billed Cuckoo  could be seen from Telegraph Road and consequently viewing was easier even if distant. The discussion continue about the possible Green-winged Teal on Newford Duck Pond and the Blue Rock Thrush made it usual brief and flighty appearance, this time on the Old town side of Peninnis.

New in were a smart Red-throated Pipit on Peninnis and a Blue-winged Teal  on the pool on St. Agnes. 

The 2 Pink-footed Geese were still at Kittydown, the Spotted Crake was still in Lower Moors, a Dotterel was on the airfield, 4 Mediterranean Gulls were at Porthcressa, a Great Skua flew past Peninnis, a Turtle Dove was at Sandy Banks, a Long- eared Owl was on Bryher, a Wryneck was on Peninnis & another was on St. Agnes, a Merlin was at Porthloo & 1 was on St.Martin’s, single Red-backed Shrikes were near Old town Church, on the Garrison & on Bryher, the Short-toed Lark & a Richard’s Pipit were on Tresco Heliport, 7 Yellow-browed Warbler were on St.Mary’s, Lesser Whitethroats were on the Garrison and Peninnis, the Cetti’s Warbler was still at Porth Hellick, 9 Firecrest were around St. Mary’s, the Red-breasted Flycatcher was still on St. Agnes, a Common Redstart was trapped and ringed at Porth Hellick, 1 was at Carn Friars & 2 were on St. Martin’s. Whinchat & Wheatear were still present in small numbers across the islands, a Lapland Bunting and a Snow Bunting were on St. Martin’s.

Red-throated Pipit (c) Joe Pender