A selection from Monday’s log call:

Pomarine Skua (J.Pender)
BLACK-BROWED ALBATROSS – At least 5 birders saw this bird as it flew past Gugh.
SEMI-PALMATED PLOVER – A small wader flying over Hugh town towards Porthcressa was heard to call and thought to be this species.
Little Bunting – 1 Lower Moors, 1 on St. Martin’s and 1 at Browarth, St. Agnes.
Eastern Yellow Wagtail – 1 in Peninnis Farm fields and in Lower Moors.
Short-toed Lark – 1 on the Airfield.
Barred Warbler – 1 Carn Friars Farm.
Woodlark – 1 in a field between Borough Farm and Watermill Lane.

Red-breasted Flycatcher (M.Goodey)
Red-breasted Flycatcher – 1 Newford Duck Pond and 2 St. Agnes.
Wryneck – 1 Peninnis, 1 Porth Minnick and 1 in Buzza Quarry. (more…)