Cliff Swallow (M.Goodey)

Cliff Swallow (M.Goodey)
Monday’s birds were:
St. Mary’s – The Lesser Yellowlegs and Temminck’s Stint were still at Porth Hellick where there was also a Kingfisher. The 2 Buff-breasted Sandpipers were still on the Golf Course, a Pomarine Skua flew past Peninnis and a Wryneck was in the Porthcressa allotments.
St. Agnes – A Dotterel and 2 Pied Flycatchers.
Tresco – 3 Pied and 2 Spotted Flycatchers.
At sea – Birds seen on the short-range evening pelagic trip included a Wilson’s Storm-petrel, 60+ European Storm-petrels, 11 Great Shearwaters and 2 Great Skuas. 5 Blue Sharks and a Porbeagle Shark were also caught, tagged and released.
Tuesday’s birds were:
St. Mary’s – A **CLIFF SWALLOW** was found at Porth Hellick early morning. This constitutes only the tenth record for the UK and the fifth for Scilly. The last British sighting was in late October 2001, also on Scilly, so it is 15 years since the last record. The Lesser Yellowlegs & Temminck’s Stint were still on Porth Hellick Pool and the 2 Buff-breasted Sandpipers were still on the Golf Course.
St. Martin’s – An Ortolan Bunting.
St. Agnes – The Dotterel was still present